well herb.
if that doesnt appall the membership on here, youve got to wonder about their sincerity.
it looks like even the muslims see muslim immigration as a problem.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-19/tighter-australian-immigration-policies-ne...yet europe has gone into chode mentality.
this is what happens when you give up on free enterprise , competition and trying to be alpha.
when you go into beta mode (or delta mode)
you, by necessity become self loathing,
you, by neccessity develop limiting beliefs and success barriers.
you go into surviving not thriving mode.
i gaurantee , in victorian england people were dynamic aspirational and thriving.
I'll bet their great great great grandchildren are now walking around , looking beaten down and are just trying to get through the day.
A society that creates good MUST defend it or the weeds will come to take it
and guess what......
they will take it