lee wrote on Jan 1
st, 2016 at 9:39pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 1
st, 2016 at 9:31pm:
So backbenchers make Liberal Party policy. Who knew?
Like Labor backbenchers make Labor Party policy?
So..... (long meaningful pause)........ if the body entire of the elected party in government doesn't make policy........................................... who does?
So sad to see that someone doesn't know the difference between backbenchers and the party room. Or perhaps backbenchers and Caucus? Depending on the flavour of Government.
You see ...Backbenchers (long meaningful pause) ... are not the body of the entire elected party in government. They are a subset. A portion.
So to answer your question - the party room or Caucus make policy - not backbenchers on their lonesome.
You miss my point... the backbenchers form a part of the elected body of the Party - in theory their vote should go towards determining policy. In fact, the opposite is true - they are constrained to vote along Party lines.. and the policies they vote on are not the result of the elected body of the Party, but are policy directions formulated by a combination of many bodies, all controlled by a relative few, the majority of whom are unelected.
Same occurs with Labor, thus making of our elected representatives just mouthpieces for a largely unelected group's policies, and thus giving the lie to democracy as the ruling issue here (and elsewhere).
Now come back with the content of 'caucus'........... at least 60% unelected...... on both 'sides'.
Do try not to obfuscate and don't do a Longy and attack the messenger of truth instead of discussing the issues.
Thhe highlighted section is not my comment - it was what I responded to. Kinda give a different slant, neh?