cods wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2016 at 12:16pm:
Maqqa wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2016 at 12:05pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2016 at 1:39am:
Maqqa wrote on Jan 1
st, 2016 at 11:36pm:
Quote:On Thursday Mr Shorten, who is on leave and did not front the media on Wednesday, tweeted: "If Mr Turnbull and his Liberals want to fight an election on industrial relations, bring it on. We won on WorkChoices & we'll win again."
He followed by adding: "Labor will always fight for workers, decent pay & conditions. Mr Turnbull & his Liberals will fight for big business & to cut penalty rates."
The Royal Commission was about UNION CORRUPTION
Shorten tried to change the topic by saying INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
Shorten actually thinks voters are too stupid to see this childish trick
The royal commission was to look into the possibility of union corruption - in which endeavour it has signally failed.funniest thing I have read in a long time
It was not to 'about union corruption' - but rather to find out if there was any.. and the results are not worth the paper it is written on.
Jackson's name appeared on the prosecution recommended list.
If it has failed then why was Jackson prosecuted?
If it's not worth the paper it's written on - certainly Thommo and Jackson disagree with you
hilarious poor old grap he doesnt think over 20 people working for UNIONS are under investigation or being at least pointed in that direction by a ROYAL COMM is finding any Corruption within..

its almost comical isnt it the way the lefties dodge the crisis in their set up..
labor is the unions..
the union is labor..
they are like Laurel and Hardy... one is no good without the other..
but they will never admit it....
I think its a hoot.. the more they defend the funnier it gets..
Thomson and Jackson were in the spotlight before any 'royal commission'
"The Health Services Union expenses affair was an Australian political scandal that concerned criminal activities associated with the financial affairs of the Health Services Union of Australia (HSU), between 2006 and 2007; and the Health Services Union "east branch" (HSUeast) between 2006 and 2011.[12][13]
Following regulatory and administrative investigations, criminal trials and a subsequent appeal, on 15 December 2014 Craig Thomson, a former national secretary of the HSU and a former Labor politician, was found guilty in the Victorian County Court of thirteen charges of theft, and later convicted and fined A$25,000.[7][8] Other charges of obtaining financial advantage by deception were dismissed on appeal.[1]"
"Succeeding Thomson as general secretary of the HSU in
January 2008
, Kathy Jackson identified financial irregularities in the union's accounts and engaged external auditors to investigate." Hello - what part of 2008 do you NOT understand? know several of you have serious issues with english language and with reading - but try reading it.....
"In 2011 the Union Council of the HSUeast branch resolved to commence an investigation into the financial affairs of the branch; and sought counsel from the President of the New South Wales Bar Association to select an independent panel of experts to investigate:[37]
adequacy of governance arrangements and business practices of HSUeast;
access to financial and business related information for union members to ensure transparency and scrutiny;
policies and procedures and potential conflicts of interest for office bearers, or staff that hold directorships or shares/ownership in companies that supply goods to HSUeast;
policies around the use of HSUeast credit cards; and
other matters the panel deems appropriate."
What part of 2011 do you NOT understand - the time at which the Union itself launched action against wrongdoing?
Jackson is only on the 'to charge' list now because her Pussy Pass and Weasel Pass have both expired, and she is now being thrown to the wolves instead of being treated as the darling of the LNP.
(not that there's anything wrong with that).....
Jackson was already in the sights and tried to weasel out by turncoating to the royal commission.... the 'royal commission' even including Thomo and Jacko is nothing more than a puny attempt to pad out the 'evils' uncovered and make it look like the commission actually did something.
They were NOT charged as a result of any 'royal commission' - and so far the charges against other are few and most likely to fail, and the rest is just suggestions and innuendo.
Get a grip.... I know it's hard for some.