Swagman wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2016 at 2:11pm:
........with a nick like his, it'd be the ABC party
lol Glad you mentioned it Swag
"Bias" in my ID is a reference to the way the Feast and Famine Variable is plotted. Ironically though, absolute impartiality is essential to assess the direction of the plot line as it's being plotted, the Variable is plotted using the bias's of everyone else - so watch out ! I can plot your variable just by reading your posts
For a person or community to have a well balanced Feast and Famine Variable, there must be close to an equal amount of both feast bias and famine bias, anything else, you could be in big trouble
The Variable is very handy to check the bias of the media and political parties, Murdoch is an offender and getting worse, while the Libs and Labs are falling into their own trap of "becoming one" but pretending to be different to one another , it's a big mistake.
The Libs and Labs demise will be because they don't understand the how the Variable works. Just distributing wealth is not enough for balanced feast and famine, they think it is, but it's not, there's a hell of a lot more to it than that I've learned by plotting the Variable.
A healthy mind has a healthy feast and famine balance and the Libs and Labs are not quite congruent in that respect with the populace. The length of time they've occupied Parliament, in spite of elections, means they are automatically going into perpetual feast and the laws of nature require a change in thinking after a certain period of time to maintain healthy feast and famine balance. Their time is almost up, if not up now.
What we need to work towards is a smooth transition from the Lib Lab era to the next era, whatever it will be, probably a republic with a new type of balanced politics, not necessarily one of power and competition
Examples of how hard the Variable can bite ....
Mr Hitler and Mr Tojo and Co found out how the Variable works, too late for them of course, but if anyone wants to afford all the feast to themselves, then they'll have to accept that the "slaves" won't and definitely should not accept
all the famine. Things can become very difficult when that happens
The "2012" in my ID is nothing more than the year in which the 13th Bak'tun ended in the Mayan calendar. Not the end of the world but a new consciousness started apparently. Still waiting for it but interested in it just the same