longweekend58 wrote on Jan 4
th, 2016 at 7:43am:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 4
th, 2016 at 7:30am:
I have a chinese neighbour who runs 2 of these centres.
A very entrepreneurial man.
he has them overbooked and when the inspectors come out he shuffles kids between the 2 centres in his land rover discovery.
here on planet earth , which i call "reality" there is this thing called 'the system".
If you are paying 80 % of your take home pay in child storage , as heartless felon so appropriately called it, you are a grade 1 numptie.
Find yourself some contacts in the community and pay someone you trust under the table if you have too.
Big government is parasitic .
Big government schemes are parasitic.
be like my smart asian neighbour .
Milk the system by all means but dont let it milk you
for that he could end up in jail.
Chinese are results orientated people.
they go after what they want to achieve.
he wanted his son to get a degree so he hired an honors graduate to help him do his assignments (ie, the honours graduate did the work whilst the son cruised the town is his hotted up subaru).
He got his degree.
The chinese understand that the saying "were from the government and we're here to help" is a fairy storey for dumb chodes.
They value family and hard work and community.
i wouldnt dob him in, i'd give the guy a freaking medal .
And i say again, any aussie who is happy to pay 80 % of his take him pay for child care is so stupid he should be sterilised.
Work on getting some family and community ties.
if you have dozens of cousins and friends, start your own co op and pay cousin Carol $50 each per day and she can look after the kids til they reach prep.
What sort of garbage is this that kids need "educators" at this age.
they should be climbing trees and playing in the mud in cousin carols back yard