the good ole boys wrote on Jan 4
th, 2016 at 5:29pm:
The man charged with murder in a road rage incident in Brisbane told police the man he allegedly killed provoked him by pursuing him down the highway before their fatal, physical confrontation.
Tamate Henry Heke, 36, is charged with the murder of 50-year-old Manruben man Shane Merrigan who he allegedly pushed in front of a garbage truck on Tuesday on the Gateway Motorway.
Tamate Henry Heke has been charged with murder following a road rage incident on Tuesday in Queensland. Source: Facebook
Mr Merrigan was pronounced dead at the scene.
Mr Heke, a New Zealand national in Australia on a working visa, told police Mr Merrigan tailgated him down the highway, making rude gestures and copied his lane changes down the motorway, News Corp reports.
that will all be on camera I am sure......its murder...
we keep making excuses for these thugs....I dont care if they intended or not..
they have stolen a life from someone....
they dont even have a reason.....they just DO..
.and then along comes some shameless lawyer and gets them off.........
well the other guy did cut in on him.. what do you expect.. we have gone stark raving mad...
I am sick of charges being watered down to get the defendent off with a lighter sentence.. its stinks stinks stinks...
did they KILL someone.. YES THEY DID...
was it preventable YES IT WAS....