Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 9:26am: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 9:21am: Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 9:18am: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 9:13am: Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 8:46am: greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 8:41am: ian wrote on Jan 5 th, 2016 at 12:36am: mothra wrote on Jan 4 th, 2016 at 11:48pm: ian wrote on Jan 4 th, 2016 at 11:44pm: Why is being racist such an issue? Most people are racist to some degree. Its a perfectly valid mind set. Racism and violence aginst people because they have a different racial background dont necassarily go together despite the efforts of people like Greggary to pretend they do. I disagree with that very strongly. There is no racism in me and i reject it utterly. It is harmful. It is illogical. It fosters hatred and intolerance. It should be thoroughly condemned. Racism is very logical, and its correct, there are differences between racial groups,. Yes, there are differences. Nobody has said anything to the contrary, so try to stay focused. However, unfair discrimination based on those differences is racism, and it's completely illogical and irrational. Ah. Some people ( for whatever reason) don't view it as UNFAIR. The reason is, they're racist. Greg!! The point I was trying to make is this : You might view it as unfair, they don't. In short, that's where your respective perspectives clash. Ya dig? Sorry....but I know "stuff" about this subject. Yes, I understand what you're saying. However, those that don't see it as unfair are racists. That's not my perspective, or personal opinion - it's a fact. It's the definition of racism. Not according to them. THAT IS MY POINT......sigh. Yes, I completely get your point: according to them, the discrimination is NOT unfair. They're still racists , though.