mothra wrote on Jan 5
th, 2016 at 8:40am:
cods wrote on Jan 5
th, 2016 at 8:32am:
mothra wrote on Jan 4
th, 2016 at 11:48pm:
ian wrote on Jan 4
th, 2016 at 11:44pm:
Why is being racist such an issue? Most people are racist to some degree. Its a perfectly valid mind set. Racism and violence aginst people because they have a different racial background dont necassarily go together despite the efforts of people like Greggary to pretend they do.
I disagree with that very strongly. There is no racism in me and i reject it utterly.
It is harmful. It is illogical. It fosters hatred and intolerance. It should be thoroughly condemned. why??.. its a natural human thing to be wary of those who are different......
its the HATRED part that needs to be dealt with..
its like drugs.....they are good....we need them
its the ABUSE that is wrong...
we get kind of swept up in words today...
we abuse words...we really do... or should that be mis use words...
But what does different mean Cods?
Are you telling me that my friends who are all sorts of shades of whatever are different from me?
I don;t see them as being different from me.
People are just people.
they ARE different to you..
unless you all wear the same things drive the same cars live in the same the same things hate the same things.....
we are all immediately bring up colour....why is that????????? are not the only one with friends of different shades.....
there is a guy on here I dislike very much I believ he is Italian.. he also dislikes me very much does that mean we are racists????? ,
for goodness sakes get things into perspective...
you toss this word around until its completely lost any real meaning...
.a black man doesnt get a job because of his skin colour..
or a black man does get a job because of his skin colour..
which is it????....who is racist???
some times things happen because of the experience...a bloke has or hasnt got...yet everything depends on the colour of ones skin..
give me a break.
people who attack others for just commenting on something are no better than those who are outright haters of everything that doesnt resemble them.
and lump all under the one umbrella.....
thats basically what you do...
the only word you picked out was DIFFERENT..
and if you really believe there is no difference between cultures.... maybe you need to take a closer look at ISIS.....and tell me in which way we should except them and their way of thinking????.....