Stig wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 8:09am:
Which is why you get people calling for the death penalty - because our judges are too often useless and give minimal sentences to people for violent crimes.
I do NOT agree with Capital Punishment. Just look at the USA and their Death Row ... DNA has already proved that some of them are INNOCENT.
Judges are Old People with a background of discriminating against certain people for whatever reason. Sit a few of them down at The Club and a bottle of Scotch and I bet they can't agree on anything.
Quote: IMO a fair sentence would be 15 years, plus financial restitution to the family for the rest of this guy's life.
Most people think of a Life for a Life. So "Life" for Murder should mean that they will NEVER be released.
The System doesn't work that way and, remember, that ALL our Gaols are chock-full of "offenders" of various types.
We, the taxpayers, are paying for all this and in some instances, being in gaol is far better for some than living on the street. It is warm and cosy and they get 3 meals a day and TV., plus "company". We really should make going to gaol FAR LESS ATTRACTIVE. Cut off ALL the extras for a start.
We are being way too soft on criminals. Killing them is NOT an option, that just makes us as guilty as they are.