Quote:Wow, you actually had to qualify your view that women shouldn't be assaulted. Tell me, what "depends" on whether a woman should or shouldn't be assaulted in your view?
No Gandalf, I had to qualify my view on whether it was an attack on freedom - strangely enough, with whether it was an attack on freedom.
Quote:I reckon all criminal attacks on people's rights are a potent threat and should be consciously countered - don't you think?
Sure, but not everything is about freedom Gandalf. I know you only just became the standard bearer for freedom of speech, but you should try not to get carried away. You are allowed to oppose things for other reasons.
Quote:So what makes crimes against cartoonists and film makers a bigger threat to freedom than say crimes against people's property, or regular murder - both of which are a gazillion times more prevalent than muslim attacks against cartoons and films?
People are not going to stop building houses because they get broken into occasionally. People will however stop drawing Muhammed cartoons and making books and films that mock Muhammed because of the targetted attacks on those that do. It is the targeting that is significant. If there are only 20 significant new works mocking Muhammed each year, and five deaths because of them, then the odds are not that good for someone considering joining that group of 20. Soon it will be down to 15, then 10, then 5, then nothing.
Quote:Anyway, you know all this. We've said it many times. The purpose of my post was to show how such an agenda is implicitly racist. Sure, it might be sparked by security concerns, but its fuel is good old racism.
Not say, people who dislike being raped and sexually assaulted en masse in a country that is otherwise very liberal?
Quote:Good to see your predictions. Back in the 90s, Our Pauline predicted the Vietnamese would only get worse too. Instead, they largely got prosperous and now fill the top percentages of university entrance scores.
Do you think the Muslims will follow suit? They have had 1400 years, including a so-called "golden age" where they ruled the western hemisphere. They have pretty much nothing to show for it. The modern oil rich Muslim countries have managed to buck the common trends associated with wealth seen everywhere else in the world and have devoted their excess energy to becoming even more socially backwards. We did not expect the Vietnamese to become less Vietnamese in order to contribute to our society, but Islam is not a race.
Quote:You and I both know why - for the same reason a commie wouldn't say what he really thought in the McCarthy era
How about today Karnal?