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Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief (Read 1297 times)
Sir Crook
Ex Member

Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Jan 5th, 2016 at 6:23am
Two more level crossings to go, bringing relief to drivers - and some residents

    January 4, 2016
     The Age

Two of northern Melbourne's most hated level crossings are to be removed by the Andrews government, even though neither had been considered urgently needed under a 2014 VicRoads assessment.   Smiley

Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan on Monday announced that level crossings at High Street, Reservoir, and Bell Street, Preston, would go as part of the government's promise to remove 50 over two terms of government.   Smiley

Reservoir and Bell railway stations will also be rebuilt. Both projects will commence in 2018.
Mella Gigis bought next to the rail line in Preston in 2013 and says she has slowly been driven mad by car and train noise.

Mella Gigis bought next to the rail line in Preston in 2013 and says she has slowly been driven mad by car and train noise. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer

Both level crossings regularly experience collisions and near misses, and a fatality occurred near the Reservoir crossing in 2006.

"Removing these two crossings will make travelling around Melbourne's north easier and safer," Ms Allan said.

Removal of the Bell Street crossing can't come quick enough for resident Mella Gigis.

The High Street, Reservoir, level crossing the state government will begin removing in 2018. Photo: Simon O'Dwyer

The 68-year-old's apartment overlooks the level crossing, and she says the noise has all but driven her crazy in her three years living there.

Buying the apartment was "the biggest mistake I've made in my life", Ms Gigis said.

"My house is beautiful but I can't sleep all night. The house shakes because the semi trailers are so big, and the train is so loud – especially at night time."

She hoped removing the level crossing would help reduce the problem.

Preston MP and finance minister Robin Scott said the Reservoir crossing was also extremely unpopular with locals. He said its removal would be a lasting legacy for the city.

The two level crossings both appeared on VicRoads' list of Melbourne's most needed removals, compiled in 2014.

But neither was highlighted as being of a high, medium or even lower priority in the short term, with dozens considered more urgent.

By 2022, however, population growth would make the two among those considered the most in need of removal.

Melbourne has almost 250 level crossings, 178 of them on the Metro Trains network.

The RACV's Brian Negus said the Reservoir crossing had appeared on the transport group's last three "Red Spot" surveys of the state's most hated congestion spots.

Alphington's Chandler Highway bridge topped the last survey, followed by Reservoir.

Delays at railway level crossings were among the most infuriating road conditions, he said. "A lot of the level crossings are shut for more than 30 minutes in each hour during peak hour."

Greens leader Greg Barber said doing one or two level crossing removals on each line wouldn't add extra train services. "While it's good to cut local traffic congestion, there's no real plan here to run more trains and relieve overcrowding."

But the Public Transport Users Association commended the removals, with president Tony Morton saying there was a consensus between public transport authorities, VicRoads and the community that they should be done.   Smiley

The Preston and Reservoir crossings were good projects to tackle, he said. "These are level crossings that are not the safest, that make motorists see red, and that have stations that we feel no nostalgia for," Dr Morton said. "The stations need rebuilding with proper disability access and better facilities."
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Sir Crook
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #1 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 6:27am
    I have to say hats off to the Andrews government on this one. It's a bit of a thankless task - no matter what priorities they set when choosing which crossings to fix they will cop criticism, some legit - but they are finally doing what needs to be done for the good of both train and road traffic, which is more than I can say for pretty much every government of any stripe since Kennet privatised public transport.

    Now if only we could get a train to the airport... I know, I know, look at the transurban contract and the money the airport makes off taxis. But we can dream.   Smiley

Date and time
    January 05, 2016, 6:56AM
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #2 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 6:36am
wow how many gone so far. crook?..
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Sir Crook
Ex Member

Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #3 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 6:39am
There will be 20 in the first term of the Andrews government.  The another 30 in the second term.   Smiley
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #4 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 6:53am
There will be 20 in the first term of the Andrews government.  The another 30 in the second term.   Smiley 

Hi sir Crook,
how many level crossings are gone since Dan was elected?
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Sir Crook
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:00am
I cant say Sir Bobby, only that it will be 20 in the first term.  Good to see that the Andrews Government are doing what they said they would.   Smiley 
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #6 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:02am
I cant say Sir Bobby, only that it will be 20 in the first term.  Good to see that the Andrews Government are doing what they said they would.   Smiley 

I am sure some are underway???.... tell us what is happening NOW....I will be coming to Melb sometime this year.....
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #7 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:03am
I cant say Sir Bobby, only that it will be 20 in the first term.  Good to see that the Andrews Government are doing what they said they would.   Smiley 

How do you know they are? You can't even tell us how many have been done so far. For all you know, only one or two have been.
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #8 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:04am
cods wrote on Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:02am:
I cant say Sir Bobby, only that it will be 20 in the first term.  Good to see that the Andrews Government are doing what they said they would.   Smiley 

I am sure some are underway???.... tell us what is happening NOW....I will be coming to Melb sometime this year.....

It's okay cods, he's paid by the Unions to run feel-good stories about the ALP even if they're only partially true or even straight-out lies.
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Sir Crook
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #9 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:11am
It doesn't matter how many have or haven't been done.  The Andrews government said there will be 20 in its first term.  So as long as the 20 are done, by the end of the first term I am happy with that.   Smiley
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #10 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:21am
Libs will never recognise why those rail crossings were better off improved vs. a toll road.

Improves bottlenecks, productivity (to businesses that use roads), safety (no more rail crossing crashes/accidents), jobs.

You can see already from the lib postings what little they understand why it is necessary to remove them.
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #11 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:48am
It doesn't matter how many have or haven't been done.  The Andrews government said there will be 20 in its first term.  So as long as the 20 are done, by the end of the first term I am happy with that.   Smiley 

well so far what you are saying is..

its all ok with that....

just thought at least one would be on the way...especially as they are announcing MORE will be fixed...
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #12 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:54am
cods wrote on Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:48am:
It doesn't matter how many have or haven't been done.  The Andrews government said there will be 20 in its first term.  So as long as the 20 are done, by the end of the first term I am happy with that.   Smiley 

well so far what you are saying is..

its all ok with that....

just thought at least one would be on the way...especially as they are announcing MORE will be fixed...

That's the Labor way - words and promises don't necessarily have to be backed up with action in the ALP.
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Saul Goodman
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #13 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:57am
cods wrote on Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:48am:
It doesn't matter how many have or haven't been done.  The Andrews government said there will be 20 in its first term.  So as long as the 20 are done, by the end of the first term I am happy with that.   Smiley 

well so far what you are saying is..

its all ok with that....

just thought at least one would be on the way...especially as they are announcing MORE will be fixed...

So you are saying none have been done or even started?

Hows the planning going on them Crook?
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Re: Two More Level Crossings To Go Bringing Relief
Reply #14 - Jan 5th, 2016 at 8:13am
Saul Goodman wrote on Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:57am:
cods wrote on Jan 5th, 2016 at 7:48am:
It doesn't matter how many have or haven't been done.  The Andrews government said there will be 20 in its first term.  So as long as the 20 are done, by the end of the first term I am happy with that.   Smiley 

well so far what you are saying is..

its all ok with that....

just thought at least one would be on the way...especially as they are announcing MORE will be fixed...

So you are saying none have been done or even started?

Hows the planning going on them Crook?

all he knows is 20 will be done in their first term.....

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