BoxerMan wrote on Jan 8
th, 2016 at 4:09pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 8
th, 2016 at 4:03pm:
Does aqua have any experience?
Not much I would guess, he would be reading his self help book as the girl walked off with another bloke.
Dreamer, give up books and try the real life!
aqua was a bit of a chode for a while.
til he figured out the dynamic.
getting good with women is exactly the same as getting good with riding horses.
you start off incompetant, you try to suck up to them (doesnt work..they just see you as beneath them and low value and no woman wants to be with a low value man).
slowly you gain confidence , through lots of reference experiences.
eventually, you master it and go thru a few break ups and realise that you now have the skill set to find another woman.
now you feel pretty good, pretty confident, you arent needy or anxious(as you have this skill) and so that makes you an attractive partner to be with.
women do like confident men and men who have a sense of purpose.
why do women fall for rock stars and singers ?...because it takes a lot of confidence to get up and sing flawlessly at the top of your voice in front of people.
like dealing with horses its all about being mindful and realising every interaction will be teaching something to your partner.
if they see you as "rock solid" it allows them to be "emotional" and still have a place of "comfort"
thats why they like strong and allows them to experience their feminine energy
and boxer, you would be amazed how many women just sit there mesmerised when you tell them about ekhardt toll or steven covey . they are so used to blokes trying to impress them with stories about jet ski's and flash cars