haha, not a problem.
Herb, heres another gem, and this one is on the money.
If you want to know what women want, the very last person you should ask is a woman.
Society needs the group think that women want a guy with
good looks
a good career
good manners
who is nice to the girl.
Society needs this group think because it works to keep the system from going a bit bonkers.
Now i'm telling you that those things are nice if you have them, but they are by no means deal breakers.
The deal breaker is really that you have to be
passionate about your direction in life
and not just passionate about the "girl"
This is one of the things women will get wrong if you ask them.
They will say that they want their guy to make them the centre of his universe, but this is simply not true.
They want a guy who has a good direction in his life and who they can "come along for the journey"
If you think the way to get a girl is to drag her back to your man cave and then just focus all your attention on her you are dead wrong.
Girls like guys who are very social.
Girls actually like guys that other girls like.
It raises their status to be with "that guy".
Herb, heres one for you.
If you are at a party and there is a chick there who is a bit up herself and obviously the alpha chick, go up and say in a confident voice , something like this
"your dress is a little too blue" or something that whilst not being rude, is not being try-hard.
Now, nearly all alpha females are validation hunters, so she will chase to get you to change your mind.
A suck- up comment wouldnt even register in her day but a diss will.
Now she is emotionally invested in you . it deosnt matter that these emotions may even be negative at first, as you can flip that by being funny.
and when the beta females see her chasing after you, you are now the prize buddy.
oh and with regards to being funny, this is one where women do actually get it right. women say they like a funny guy and they do like a funny guy.
Just dont be a little dancing monkey. you have to pump their emotional state . it is the "range of emotions " that women like . (evidence...look at the range of emotions in every Rom Com ever made).
Have you ever seen a Rom Com where the guy was just nice and then they dated and then they had mutual interests and then they lived happily ever after?
Geebus...i wonder why that is.
could it be that women despite saying they like this "nice guy' actually crave drama?
Who'd have thunk