mothra wrote on Jan 8
th, 2016 at 8:15pm:
Phemanderac wrote on Jan 8
th, 2016 at 5:35pm:
Thousands of years of history certainly demonstrate very clearly how much men understand about what women actually like.
I mean, let's face it, thinking ALL women like the same thing is already starting from a flawed premise, but, keep up the good work - comedy gold.
Speaking as a woman, it's a pretty funny thread.
A whole bunch of 'no idea at all' going on in here.
Oh, we have a fair idea Mothra. Lady, wife of the brother of the king, runs off with Alpha stallion, king's bro says, "hey bro, help me, I gotta kill dat bitch". So off they go on a 10 year vendetta, kill all the people of the city that Alpha was from, his father and brother, sister raped. When finally the king's bro get's his hands on the lady to give her a good bitch slappin', what happens, she smites him with desire and he cannot lop off her head, so they retire to their previous home together. Meanwhile, the king who was only helping a bro out was killed by his wife in the bath. Sound familiar?