Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 3:43pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 3:27pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 3:25pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 3:19pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jan 6
th, 2016 at 3:10pm:
time to move on merlin. there is a choice in PM - Turnball or Shorten. if you choose shorten you are an idiot.
So youre ok with having a pm who wasnt democratically elected?
he was... by caucus as per the constitution. simple really.
how you handling putin who despite russia's constitution having term limits simply ignores it and remains in power?
id you want undemocratic I suggest you look no further than russia.
Oooh so noooooow pms get elected by caucus. Before you never seemed to think so. Hypocritical much?
Many are confused in the public arena by the belief that the people elect the PM.... one reason I'm a Republican.... but not Wee Johnnie's kind of 'republican'.... the Clayton's Republic...
I just remembered another thing that happened, back when it was Beazley Vs Howard.
I was in Beazley's electorate, and queued up at the school waiting for the booth to open.
The couple in front of me had their 19 year old daughter with them, who was voting for the first time.
She pointed out that while Kim Beazley's name was on the how to vote cards, she didn't see John Howard's name on them (OK, she was only 19 - I can cut her
some slack).
However, once she brought this to the attention of her parents they were at first mystified, and then horrified.
They assumed that Howard had been replaced overnight by Don Randall (the local Liberal candidate), and they were disgusted.
They had come to vote for Howard, and were outraged that that opportunity had been taken away from them.
I hope that girl moved out of home real quick - she had no chance with parents like that.
you have remember that all these years... and been waiting for this moment to tell everyone about it...
I bet you read something like that on face book... your preferred forum for information..
its sounds like it...