ian wrote on Jan 9
th, 2016 at 8:56pm:
mothra wrote on Jan 9
th, 2016 at 8:51pm:
ian wrote on Jan 9
th, 2016 at 8:50pm:
Most of us are mostly concerned about terrorist attacks and threats to the West , these come overwhelmingly from Muslims. I dont think theres any argument as to that.
Already refuted that.
computer says no. The vast majority of terrorist attacks which took the most Western lives in this century were committed by Muslims. You can list as much as you like about terrorist activities in India and Africa, these really dont concern most people.
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America
An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.
According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company
(Loon Watch also notes that less than 1% of terror attacks in Europe were carried out by Muslims.)
U.S. News and World Report noted in February of this year:
Of the more than 300 American deaths from political violence and mass shootings since 9/11, only 33 have come at the hands of Muslim-Americans, according to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. The Muslim-American suspects or perpetrators in these or other attempted attacks fit no demographic profile—only 51 of more than 200 are of Arabic ethnicity. In 2012, all but one of the nine Muslim-American terrorism plots uncovered were halted in early stages. That one, an attempted bombing of a Social Security office in Arizona, caused no casualties.