cods wrote on Jan 12
th, 2016 at 8:00am:
what is Neonicotinoids.. ok its a chemical.. in which case why doesnt it come under the epa.... why doesnt it?.. we seem to have double standards on so many things.....I am sorry to hear this its a shocker..
you know we have an enormous amount of trees and blossom in Canberra but you hardly ever see a bee....
I have often wondered about that?..... in England we had the beautiful bumble bees..we dont have them here do we??...
the American EPA are as crooked as a dogs hind leg..
they have allowed these Massive Chemical companies to put this onto the market without proper trials back in the earlier 2000s
companies like Bayer have been lying about this Colony disorder collapse (or whatever the name they made up for it)
its been THEIR chemicals all along like I've been saying forever..
if you follow the trail of some of these chemical executives you will find them within the US government and serving today under Obama...
these massive chemical companies are putting farmers into a corner so that in every turn they have to buy their GM seeds covered in chemicals for crops and also other chemicals to make them grow...
and you wonder why there's so much cancer around these days and getting worse???
blood testing trials have revealed, in Canada I think it was, that most people have at least 30 to 40 different chemicals in their blood.. with one man having 60 different types!!!