Soren wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2016 at 10:03pm:
There is a hierarchy of values and therefore individuals and societies.
Indeed there is, old boy. There is also a hierarchy of literacy skills, general knowledge, social and political awareness, self awareness, and yes, niceness too. All the foreigners on this board who come to Australia to bleat on about banning, killing and oppressing the Muselman come across as quite angry and mean.
In fact, they profess to
value anger and meanness. They say you're a traitor if you're
not angry and mean.
And yes, here on this board we also have a gen-u-wine Muselman. He's jolly and nice. He's so nice, you keep telling him he should try to blow people up, but he won't have a bar of it. FD tells him he should try to behead gays for doing it Mardi Gras style, but the Muselman doesn't agree.
You want to ban him, kill him and oppress him, despite the fact that he's far more intelligent than you, a better communicator than you, and yes, much nicer. If we have a hierarchy of values, G's values are superior to yours. If there is a hierarchy of individuals, G is a superior individual to you. If G's values influenced a society, this society would be far superior to the hostile, paranoid, angry and mean little tribe your values would inform.
Your own values go against almost every Western value our society professes to be founded upon: fairness, justice, equality of opportunity, freedom of belief, the rule of law. As far as I've seen, G has stood up for these values time and time again. More importantly, he has demonstrated these values in his communication with others.
I wouldn't crow about a hierarchy of values, dear boy. Your values of hostility and meanness are totally at odds with our society's values, a society you came to join. Your values are inferior in every way to G's demonstrated values, and he's a Muselman.
Of course you want to ban him. His very existence highlights your inferiority.
Let's oppress him instead, eh?