Why do people practice child sexual abuse? In some cases it has religious and cultural roots.
I can find no religious or cultural source for the depravity of the pedophiles in our western society. This degenerate child abuse exists in groups of politicians, members of youth organizations, police forces, clergy etc. why do they do it? Does anybody have an honest answer?
It is against our laws, and against our religious and cultural views.
Thankfully we have progressed to the point where we have started to have royal commissions etc into this. I hope that the perpetrators are exposed and dealt with to the harshest and fullest extent of our laws.
I firmly believe to defeat it, you have to know the cause, what is it?
Is it just depraved homosexual lust in the case of the men, who do it to little boys, what is the real reason?
Merely railing on against Christianity will not solve anything, as to beat this depravity the so called priests would actually have to get closer to the teachings of the N.T. (Christ warned against harming Children)
Why do people from all walks of life in our society do it?
I do know that in the case of India, child sexual abuse is rampant, it is part and parcel of the culture, as the following extracts from 2007 show us:
child abuse in IndiaW.H.O. estimates that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been subjected to forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence.
UNICEF estimated 3 million girls and women in sub-Saharan Africa, Egypt and Sudan are subjected to female genital mutilation every year.
Of the young adults (ages 18-24) interviewed, almost half of them reported having been physically or sexually abused as children.
So India has a culturally entrenched problem, which overwhelms our problems a thousand time over.
Then we have the old favourite: muslims
Well the following best sums it all up
Islam is the only major world religion where child marriage has the religious sanction of its prophet. Mohammed ‘married’ Aisha, his most notable wife, when she was six years old. The marriage was consummated when she was nine or ten at the latest[b]. Like so many marriages, it was the product of an alliance between her father and Mohammed. Aisha’s merchant father was Mohammed’s first ally outside his family, and went on to be Mohammed’s successor. That alliance was sealed with the sexual abuse of his little girl.
[b]Such arrangements are still common in the Muslim world today, where little girls are treated as gifts to seal an alliance.
Islam was born out of the brutal rape of a little girl. As the mother of the Sunni Caliphate, Aisha is not just an incidental figure. Her marriage to Mohammed lies at the heart of Islam. The alliance between her father and her abuser made Islam viable by giving its prophet his first real power base. After Mohammed’s death, her father used that connection to the Chief Prophet of Islam, to gain the political upper hand over Mohammed’s son-in-law in the civil war that arose afterward. And
it was her father who oversaw the codification of the Koran in its written form.
The spread of the Islamic faith and the codification of the Koran were made possibly only through the rape of a little girl. And there is no way around that.
Which is why child abuse remains a permanent part of Islam. To disavow it, is to disavow Islam’s Prophet and his successor, whom Sunni Islam associates with the codification of their religion’s holiest book.
Muslims cannot tolerate gently mocking cartoons of their prophet. They certainly are not about to put him aside so that no more 9 year old girls get raped.
And how could they? One of the most awful Hadiths depicts Aisha’s mother taking her from her swing set, wiping her face and then bringing her inside and putting her on Mohammed’s lap. While everyone else left, Mohammed “consummated” his marriage with her. Another describes her friends coming over to play with dolls… after her marriage. Still another mentions that she had originally played with his own children.
There is nothing terribly new here. Child abuse predates Islam. It is not uncommon in the West. But in Islam, it is an organic part of the religion itself.
Even when Muslims attempt to inhibit it, they must resort to convoluted arguments that Mohammed was given special sanctions to do what he did, because he was on another level than ordinary men. And so they cannot condemn the act itself, only distinguish between Mohammed’s “high-minded” sort of child abuse and that of ordinary people.
But Aisha is only the most notable example of the exploitation of women and little girls that was a major factor in the rise of Islam.
Islam was not only born out of the rape of Aisha, but out of the rape and slavery of countless women captured by Mohammed’s forces. The rape and abuse of those women was a recruitment tool for Islam. While Muslims who fight to conquer and subjugate non-Muslims are promised 72 virginal demon women in paradise,
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