Karnal wrote on Jan 31
st, 2016 at 1:08pm:
How did we establish democracy in Iraq, FD?
We [Western powers] didn't establish democracy in Iraq.
Because a system of governing a society of people, like democracy, would always,
always, be rejected by a people like the Iraqis. [....mosque attending moslems]
"How did we establish democracy in Iraq, FD?"
The US got
lured into Iraq [to depose Sadam Hussein].
Pre the 2003 invasion by the US and its allies, Iraqi exiles in the US convinced the Bush administration that the Iraqi people would welcome the US as their liberators.
And those Iraqi exiles encouraged the Bush administration by assuring them that that if the US deposed Sadam Hussein, then the Iraqi people would eagerly seize the opportunity to embrace liberalism and democracy. [ < ------ which was
a BIG FAT lie, perpetrated upon the Bush administration.]
The facts on the ground in Iraq were, that many political factions in Iraq pre 2003 hated Sadam Hussein's regime, but were powerless to start even an insurgency [.....because Sadam Hussein's regime were so brutal towards any prospective opposition.].
The Bush administration were extremely naive, and got 'played', by those political factions in Iraq who wanted Sadam Hussein's regime removed, and were happy to encourage the US to spend the US treasure
and US blood, to accomplish that outcome.
The Bush administration got 'played' by a foreign culture, because the US accepted what they were told [by those in Iraq who opposed Sadam Hussein], as being true, and 'obvious', ....and because the Bush administration were completely oblivious to the culture of deceit [towards all 'outsiders'] which pervades ISLAMIC culture.