muslims are told in the qur'an they are to be judge, jury and executioner of all hypocrites, non believers, apostates etc.etc.
In fact these killers are the highest grade of muslim there is according to the qur'an.
With regards to the the musim depravity of burning people alive, the following
source tells us
But doesn’t Islam prohibit burning people alive? To answer this question,
we need to first look at Muhammad, who spoke for Allah (4:80) and is considered the standard of perfect conduct for Muslims (33:21). Muhammad had no qualms about burning people.
In December 627 Muhammad led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe. Because that tribe fought back,
Muhammad ordered their fortifications to be set on fire, even though the Muslims knew there were women and children inside.Around June 628, when Kinanah bin al-Rabi of the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe would not reveal where his conquered tribe’s treasures were hidden,
Muhammad ordered one of his soldiers, “Torture him until you extract what he has,” so a fire was built on Kinanah’s chest.
In October 630 there was some resistance among the Muslims (Hypocrites) toward a military expedition Muhammad was planning against the Byzantines at Tabuk.
Muhammad heard that these Hypocrites were gathered in a particular house, so he ordered that the house be burned down on top of them. The Hypocrites managed to escape from the flames.
In June 632, after Muhammad’s death, an attack on Ubna that he had earlier ordered took place. The leader of the Muslim force said,
the Messenger of God commanded me and this was his last command to me: …to raid them, without inviting them [to Islam], and to destroy and burn them. (The Life of Muhammad: Al-Waqidi’s Kitab al-Maghazi, p. 549)
And Muhammad even considered burning down Muslims’ houses around them to compel their attendance at congregational prayers:
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:
The Messenger of Allah said: ‘I was thinking of commanding that the call to prayer be given, then I would tell a man to lead the people in prayer,
then I would go out with some other men carrying bundles of wood, and go to people who do not attend the prayer, and burn their houses down around them.'”
(Sunan Ibn Majah, No. 791)
So Muhammad’s statements and actions show that during his lifetime it was permissible for Muslims to burn people alive. This was continued after Muhammad’s death.
After Muhammad died there were many Arab tribes that left Islam. This resulted in the Wars of Apostasy (Riddah Wars) under Abu Bakr, the first of the four “Rightly Guided” Caliphs (so named because they are believed to have held the most firmly to the teachings of Muhammad).
The commander of each army that Abu Bakr sent out had a letter to be read to the tribe before it was attacked. The letter explained that if the tribe did not return to Islam, the army commander will not spare any one of them he can gain mastery over, [but may] burn them with fire, slaughter them by any means…(The History of al-Tabari: The Conquest of Arabia, p. 57)
Abu Bakr even set the example when a captive who had fought against the Muslims was brought to him.
Abu Bakr ... ordered a fire to be kindled with much firewood in the prayer yard (musalla) of Medina and threw him, with arms and legs bound, into it. (The History of al-Tabari: The Conquest of Arabia, p. 80)
The commander of one of the Muslim armies was Khalid bin al-Walid. Here is a command that Abu Bakr gave to Khalid:
…kill them by every means, by fire or whatever else.
(The History of al-Tabari: The Conquest of Arabia, p. 100)
And Abu Bakr gave Khalid a specific command when he sent him against the Bani Hanifah in Al-Yamamah:
Kill their wounded, seek out those of them who flee, put the captives among them to the sword and strike terror among them
by killing and burn them by fire. And I warn you against contradicting my orders. Peace (be upon you).
(Abridged Biography of Prophet Muhammad, p. 345)
Khalid took Abu Bakr’s admonitions to heart and was known for burning many captives alive. Abu Bakr’s response was, I shall not sheathe a sword that Allah had unsheathed against the ‘unbelievers.’
(The Origins of the Islamic State, p. 148)
The burning continued, as Ali, the fourth “Rightly Guided” Caliph (656-661), ordered people to be burned alive for being hypocrites.
So we can see that the burning-to-death of the captured pilot can be fully supported by Islamic doctrine, and it even falls under Allah’s admonition found in 8:57 of the Koran:
So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.
Buring people alive can be squarely laid at the feet of the psychopathic maniac muhammad.
muslims torture / burn people alive today, because muhammad did it, he spoke for allah and he is the perfect example for mankind.