karnal wrote:Reply #44 - Yesterday at 8:39pm:
Quote:As you know, the Jews have not overturned Jewish.law. Nor did Mark, Matthew, or any other Jewish disciple.
These are the laws of Jeh_va. How could any man rescind them?
I don't know what the Jewish position is (today 2016) regarding the ancient Judaic law (3416 years ago).
I assume they are now superseded by present day Jewish doctrine. (I make this assumption on the fact that the Jews are no longer practicing or preaching them, they appear to be a very modern progressive people)
Now to get onto the Christian position on the ancient Judaic law:
Christ said two very important things:
1/. Luke 16:16
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached , and every man presseth into it.
Very clearly stated that the law was until the time of John.
2/. Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy,
but to fulfil.Fulfill means: (1)to complete successfully, (2) to bring to a finish or completion
Consequently if the O.T. Law has been successfully brought to a conclusion, it is finished, not applicable to Christians since the time of Christ.
So we still are at the point where Judaic law was rescinded by Christ, it has not been applicable for 2016 years.
The Jews (as far as I know) no longer practice the ancient barbarities of the Judaic law.
While your friends the muslims practice burning people alive today 2016, they always have practiced it, as it was instituted by muhammad himself, while spreading islam, in his roles of speaking for allah, being the best example for mankind to follow.
muslims are the most degenerate of people on this earth today, (right here, right now), they practice unutterably depraved atrocities against their fellow man with the clearset of conscience, they know allah, muhammad, qur'an and islam gives them divine sanction to perpetrate the foulest of barbarities against mankind.