Baronvonrort wrote on Feb 18
th, 2016 at 12:59pm:
Pakistan has quite a few honour killings every year, the number is increasing.
It certainly does. So does India. Apparently, throwing acid in the face of a girl who rejected a young man’s advances has taken off there.
Most of these girls later commit suicide.The men are rarely charged, but so what if they are? Imagine watching your daugher or sister’s face mutilated and blinded, go through multiple surgeries, lose the family house in medical bills, and then find her body hanging? That’s a whole family ruined.
There are more of these kind of "honour" crimes committed in India than the rest of the world put together. It was Not too long ago that women threw themselves onto their husband’s funeral pyres.
You can understand this, perhaps, but what’s hard to grasp is that their children and relatives let them burn.
As a champion of women’s rights, FD should have a lot to say about this.