greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 14
th, 2016 at 9:08pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Feb 14
th, 2016 at 8:28pm:
Condell attracts losers and the bottom layer of society.
Soren and Herbie love him.
Enough said.
He and Douglas Murray (and now even Tony Abbott since his 'Margaret Thatcher Memorial Address') over there in the UK are The Voice of Reason to where all this Muslim mass-immigration into Europe and Scandinavia is taking these one-time Western countries.
Ironically, the first casualty of the much-vaunted 'Multiculturalism' is freedom of speech in which self-censorship is practiced by the politicians, by the community leaders, and by the television and print media in case honest reporting might 'offend' those in the Ethnic Communities who suffer from religious, cultural, and racial paranoia.
The Rotherham Obscenity in which a score of community leaders did nothing in order to preserve the fiction that 'multicultural diversity' enriches the host nation.
The Cologne Outrages - in which the police command, and the media, and the local council, and the national leaders maintained a self-censorship upon Freedom of Speech in order to deceive the public that recently-arrived
immigrant Muslim rats were not on a rampage within the nation's silos.
The public is like a huge cumbersome juggernaut that is stuck in the mud on the side of a massive river. The sucking mud keeps it there despite all attempts by the likes of Pat Condell, Douglas Murray, Tony Abbott, and Donald Trump's efforts to budge it from its nice comfortable resting place.
But very gradually, with the shifting phases of the moon and the swing of the political pendulum, a floating tide begins to arrive to lift this stubborn beast out of its complacency.
Gradually, ground-roots movements like Pegida are attracting the sympathy of The Silent Majority who otherwise comprise the bulk of the Donkey Vote, and who simply want to
"get on with their lives and leave politics to the politicians".
It's when the politicians are making decisions that are so blatantly in contradiction to the best interests of the present and future generations of the native population that even the most politically docile and disinterested of voter is stirred from his lethargy.
This is what is happening throughout Europe and Scandinavia today. Even the dopiest of people are beginning to realise they have been betrayed very badly by their politicians, and that it's better to support the 'Rightwing' protesters than submit quietly to more of the betrayal that is stealing their historic and generational nationhood from under them.
I'm only sorry I won't be alive to hear the delicious *CRACK!* of the firing squads as they dispose of the scores of political vermin who have so wantonly and so unconscionably sold out their own people and their own nationhoods at the altars of Political Correctness and Social-Marxism.