ian wrote on Feb 16
th, 2016 at 11:06pm:
Its only a whipping. I know a few who deserve this.
Maybe so.... but it is still a crime committed by people who will not identify themselves, but hide behind hoods.... and have not much to support their view that he is a drug dealer..... after a heap of whipping he still only said whatever they wanted, in an attempt to stop the pain, but no names it seems.
Living proof that this kind of interrogation does not yield much beyond what the person will say to stop the pain..... people will say anything after a certain point.. as clearly evidenced by the Spanish Inquisition, the Communist Russian security agencies, and any number of other groups who rely on pain and brutality to get people to say what they want.
We have echoes of the same here... an innocent man may be beaten, imprisoned on remand for months, and thus slowly whittled down in his resistance.... on attending a court, he may most likely receive threats from escorting police officers to further try to break him down.... such things as a cop handling his pistol and saying "You can't out-run a bullet!" outside the court, even when the accused is handcuffed and showing no intention of running, but instead of fighting the case in court.. or 'You can't beat us!" etc.. is the same thing, and it happens here all the time.
How many in that situation even begin to think they must be guilty even when they know they are not? How many, knowing they will get a lesser sentence for 'remorse' will then plead guilty to things they never did?
Ask me again why I advocate a Royal Commission into Judiciary with their prejudice and outright violation of Law as regards their duty to uphold the rights of the accused....
And then ask me why I would oppose such vigilante sh!t..... you want a return to the Wild West? You're asking for it.