ian wrote on Feb 19
th, 2016 at 12:08pm:
And heres the current grand Mufti, another fine upstanding Muslim terrorist supporter and inciter of hatred against western values.
Quote:In 2012 Mohamed visited the Gaza Strip, where he met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and told local news agencies, "I am pleased to stand on the land of jihad to learn from its sons".[4][5][6] He is said to support Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who he met in Qatar in April 2013.[7]
Quote:In his 1993 book An Invitation To Contemplate he said that non-Muslims wanted their women to walk around, “exposed as a piece of sweet pastry ... devoured by the eyes of men"[10] and in 1995 he wrote, "the West does not bring to us any good, all they bring are their diseases".
Quote:In October 2014 Mohamed and the ANIC called for the offence of "advocating terrorism" to be removed from the "Foreign Fighters Bill", currently before the Australian Parliament, saying a cleric could fall foul of the law simply by "advocated the duty of a Muslim to defend his land" or if he referred to stories in the Quran, Bible and Torah in his sermons.[12]
Chinese whispers eh karnal? Let me ask you a question, why are you so adamant in your support of terrorist sympathisers and inciters of hatred towards Western values and culture? What causes your self loathing?
That's not Chinese whispers, Ian. That's good referencing.
I fully agree with the argument about the foreign fighter's bill. The world is full of soldiers of fortune, including non-Muslim Australians. I also don't think it should be illegal to defend a foreign homeland, as some Australian Kurds are now doing against ISIS.
They are equally subject to the legislation as it now stands. A Kurd in just this situation recently had his Australian passport cancelled.
I'm not sure about the foreign fighter's bill being applied to sermons, but I only think people should be prosecuted if they incite actual violence.
I'm not adamant about terrorist supporters. I'm adamant that people should have every right to defend others against brutal regimes like Syria and ISIS.
I'm also adamant that people should have the right to say what they like about Western culture and values. You criticize Western values continuously on this site, and I don't think it should be illegal to do so.
If you were a professional soldier and joined a foreign militia for a fee, I'd have to think about whether this should pass muster. There are international treaties (including the Geneva Convention) that address this. It is a huge issue now in places like Africa, where mining companies employ militias. It was also an issue in Bouganville, where BHP employed ex-Australian soldiers to defend their Ok Tedi mining lease against local guerillas.
Should Australians have the right to fight locals defending their own land against mining or forestry companies?
An interesting question, but one that I think goes outside our discussion here.