polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 19
th, 2016 at 8:33am:
ian wrote on Feb 18
th, 2016 at 11:26pm:
The silence from the Muslim community in Australia after his comments was deafening.
Absolute rubbish.
The 'Aussie' moslem will never denigrate the misdeeds of another moslem who attends his own mosque.
But the 'Aussie' moslem will 'stand up', and protest in support of those who murder in the name of their 'peaceful' faith.
![... ...](http://cache.newzulu.com.au/en/photos/local/2014-01-25/4925/sydney-s-egyptian-community-stages/all_fullscreen/45087-img_3351.jpg)
Here we see 'Aussie' moslem women and children in a moslem street protest
on Sydney streets, .....moslems shamelessly exploiting the Australian flag, by seeking to associate themselves publicly, with the values which our Australian flag represent, .....while these 'Aussie' moslem women and children are marching
on Sydney streets,
in support of deposed President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt.
IMO, the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt are in the same class of moslem monsters as ISIS, Boko Haram, and every other jihadist group which is promoting violent jihad to pursue their political aims.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1390857768/30#30http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1390857768/31#31http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1390857768/33#33street theatre, depicting scenes from Egypt [with Muslim Brotherhood cadres of Egypt, depicted as victims];
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1390857768/35#35 Quote:
Hijabed women
proudly waving an Australian flag
A crowd of moslems in Sydney, advocating for the Muslim Brotherhood political group of Egypt;
What is scandalous, is that moslems should hold up an Australian flag,
as though to suggest that Australia and Australians would ever support the political aspirations of ISLAMISTS in Egypt - the Muslim Brotherhood political group.
It is scandalous,
....how deceitful the Australian moslem community are [....in mis-representing themselves, and in mis-representing their 'religiously' motivated ambitions, ....to other Australians].
And no mainstream political entity, and no mainstream media entity in this country is willing to draw this fact, to the notice of the broader Australian community.