Quote:THE science is settled – Islam is not a religion of peace.
This is not the opinion of some mad, frothy-mouthed, swivelled-eye Islamophobe (although you will be labelled far worse for making any such similar observations), it is a simple statement of empirical evidence. (Note to younger readers – empirical evidence is that which you can actually observe, such as how many legs on a spider, as opposed to “facts” that you’re taught at school these days, such as “Tuvalu is about to disappear under the waves” or “heterosexuality is not the norm”).
The reason it can be empirically observed that Islam is not a religion of peace is because that’s what the numbers tell us, and ultimately, science is merely a question of doing the maths.
In all of the worst conflicts in the world – as measured by the number of fatalities last year, that being more than 10,000 – Islam was either attacking itself or being attacked by itself. That is to say, the forces on both sides identify themselves as adherents of Islam.
In the second category of wars last year – deaths between 1000 and 10,000 – Islam was again at war with itself, with two exceptions: the Mexican drug wars, with more than 8000 dead, and the Ukraine war.
When we get to the third category of seriousness of conflict, with deaths under 1000, we also see Islam at war with itself, along with being at war with Russia, China, India, the Philippines, Myanmar, Israel and Thailand. The exception is the Colombian drug wars.
Now, you can argue as much as you like about the political and geographical history and causes of these wars, or indeed about the relevance of the religion of Islam to any particular conflict.
For example, there are those who see the current stabbings and attacks against Israelis by Palestinians as merely an oppressed people rising up and nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, although this is hard to justify when those instructing the kids to “stab! stab! stab!” include imams brandishing knives in mosques.
Iraqis inspect the damage caused by an alleged air raid by Iraqi forces in Mosul city, northern Iraq. Picture: EPA
Equally, you can argue that it is not Islam’s fault that China oppresses the Muslim Uygurs of Xinjiang, or that Russia intends to hang on to the North Caucasus, or that the Thais, Burmese and Filipinos won’t agree to separate their Muslim populations from the rest.
Or you can get all hot under the collar and blame the entire mess in the Middle East on either George W. Bush for going in, or Barack Obama for pulling out, or the Israelis for, er, building some blocks of flats.
Nor does it mean that because Islam is involved in nearly all major global conflicts, that followers of Islam, as individuals, are anything other than wonderful human beings.
You can be a religious, law-abiding, peace-loving, halal-munching, terrorism-hating, proud everyday Aussie Muslim and still acknowledge the empirical evidence – Islam is not a religion of peace.
When Islamic forces or Islamic ideology are generating the greatest number of deaths in the greatest number of conflicts in the world, and the greatest number of victims are Muslims, there are only two possible conclusions: one, it has absolutely nothing to do with Islam at all, but is entirely the fault of (insert popular left-wing grievance), or two: Mecca, we have a problem.
Egypt’s President el-Sisi says it’s the latter.
None of which is really important to Australia, other than for one thing: our right to express an opinion about Islam or – dare I say it – to even criticise aspects of it.
Currently, throughout the world, new laws are being introduced which make such criticism a criminal offence.
A Palestinian protester throws stones at Israeli forces on February 19 in the West Bank village of Bilin to mark the 11th anniversary of their uprising against the building of Israel’s separation barrier and the construction of Israeli settlements. Picture: AFP
This would be in places like Yemen or Somalia, you might think, but you’re wrong.
It’s in Denmark and the United States. Last week, a Danish man was found guilty of “generalising statements ... insulting and demeaning towards adherents of Islam”.
Along with comments comparing Islam to Nazism, he was prosecuted for breaching section 266b of Denmark’s criminal code because he wrote: “Islam wishes to abuse democracy in order to get rid of democracy.”
Yet that is precisely the sentiment that any “radical” imam worth his hookah would proudly preach.
In the US Congress, Democrats are sponsoring resolution 569 to make “hate speech” towards Islam (i.e. criticism of it) a crime.............