Karnal wrote on Feb 26
th, 2016 at 10:45pm:
Lionel Edriess wrote on Feb 26
th, 2016 at 10:33pm:
Karnal wrote on Feb 26
th, 2016 at 9:35pm:
Lord Herbert wrote on Feb 26
th, 2016 at 8:27pm:
Soren wrote on Feb 26
th, 2016 at 8:23pm:
Ingenious. Your idea? Or is his hand up your arse, moving your lips?
Probably something else is up his arse, but let's not go there. OzPolitic is rated as a Family Program.
Good point. The old boy had his tongue up there only last week. I really should get it checked.
If I may be so bold, Herb, so should you. I believe I inseminated.
I’m sure you’ll make a great mother - in the fullness of time.
I know, I know. We're ever cautioned about feeding the trolls.
But really, does anyone else find this sort of badinage even faintly amusing?
Is it a frustrated pederast or a thwarted pedophile?
Never got over that secondary education, did we?
We most certainly did not.
If you don’t mind me saying, Lionel, you seem a little touchy about something.
Was it the meat?
Nah! Merely your attitude, dear.
Us oldsters are fed up with the entitled generation. Also the Bruce Jenner supporters, the Greenies, the anti-nuke symps, the 'alternative power' pushers, the apologists for slack parenting, etc. etc. You may celebrate the fact that civilized Western society is imploding because of feel-good policies supposedly enacted to protect the disadvantaged in our own societies, but what I witness is the gradual imposition of the NWO at the expense of the 'greater good'.
And you support what you cannot understand because you are blinded by the rhetoric of the MSM.
Have a little think, dear. Join a few dots.
Opposition to factual evidence is nothing new. The social experiment, conducted by Government, with multiculturalism, has just about run its course. It sucks! And it creates more divisions than it solves.
Then again, we have 'beliebers' like yourself who swallow the Kool-Aid and support the dilution of civilized, Westernised societies worldwide, while bleating 'care for the needy'.
Here's news, sugar: the poor have been suffering for the last 50 years, or longer. Africa has been a hell-hole since I began to read. After all the BandAids, what's changed?
Pussy is always drawn to the smelliest plate, I've witnessed it myself.
Are you denying your own inherent, and instinctive, predilections?