Brian Ross wrote on Jul 10
th, 2024 at 2:49pm:
I have never claimed "one size fits all" Muslims. I am, I admit, speaking generally about most Muslims, in exactly the same way that Islamophobes are, UnSub. What annoys me, is that the Islamophobes do it and they get a free pass and when I do it, I am criticised for it. I believe if you treated all Muslims the way all other Australians are considered, as individuals, you lot might discover something - they are all individuals who believe and act in similar ways. They are not all Terrorists or Jihadis, they are simply human beings. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
You wrote this in response to Frank:
Brian Ross wrote on Jul 9
th, 2024 at 12:01pm:
They are ordinary, everyday people who you could encounter on the street, Soren. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
That might be a reasonable response for general purposes. But, the reality is that Muslims have a varying level of antisocial behaviour.
Take for example, Muslims in southwest Sydney (Canterbury). They are usually descendants of refugees, or have come as working class migrants. Very few have an ancestry before the 1970s. Given that Sydney is pretty spoiled for modern conveniences and job availability, it is significantly easy for a Sydneysider to get complacent. Muslims residing in Sydney might more easily get caught up in the drug scene and the drug dealing scene. And then you look at other factors like living in a slightly disadvantaged sector of society. Antisocial activities might be more prevalent as a result, with Muslims in Sydney being more likely to commit crimes than the general Sydney population.
Speaking of disadvantaged parts of the country, Rockhampton is a largely working class, service town. Although we have many professional people working here, largely the employment is in blue collar work. Our Bangladeshi community (probably numbering as many as 500 people) moved here back in the 2010s. A few (5 of them) Bangladeshi friends of mine were working at the restaurant with me. One stuck around for a few months before he got sick of working for $18/hr. Another was his son. A third stuck around for years and completed his degree, whilst his devout wife updated her credentials to reflect Australian standards at the university.
Let us be very clear, to come to Australia and then move to a disadvantaged town like Rockhampton, it takes a lot of dedication to be part of the community. There has not been a bad word said about Bangladeshi people in Rockhampton. Their crime rates are practically non-existent.
That is the distinction I was trying to convey.