Quote:Lets go one step at a time then. Do you think sprint and soren's ban them, deport them mantra is a threat to freedom and democracy?
Good question, do people have the right to form an opinion of a certain group / cult / mentality / religious doctrine, which they perceive to be absolutely inhumane, evil and totally incompatible with a modern day civilization?
below are a few extracts sourced from the innumerable texts in the qur'an, which all have the self same shibboleth in islamic society and doctrine
Consider just a fraction of islamic instructs.
qur'an 8.67
It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made a great slaughter in the landPerfectly clear muhammad making excuses for his psychotic blood lust.
qur'an 3.151 We shall
cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they ascribe unto Allah partners,[/b]
Again perfectly clear, terrorize people in particular Christians. ( they ascribe a partner Christ to their god Y.H.W. H.) it's worth noting that muslims deliberately lie with this verse Christians did not worship allah.
qur'an 4.74: Let those
fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other.
Clear as crystal sell your life is the command to commit suicide in the jihad against whoever is the enemy of choice at the moment.
qur'an 9.29:
Fight those who do not believe in AllahSelf explanatory.
qur'an 9.39:
Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place;
Self explanatory also, allah demands that muslims become killers or he will punish them and put other muslims in their place.
qur'an 9.111: Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs:
they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slainThe sacred duty of muslims is to kill and be killed.
Now the question is: should this hate / filth / perversion masquerading as sacred doctrine be exposed, castigated, ridiculed and denigrated for exactly what it is (an unholy cult of spiritual and physical destruction degeneracy and depravity)?
Why are muslims and their apologists afraid to examine islam?
islam preaches hatred of those the muslim opposes, yet they and their apologists, demand that those they hate must be rendered powerless to resist and expose the evilness of the islam / apologists duo.
However truth will win in the end, muslims are what they are, they cannot change, they are on the downhill path (look at the muslim world right now, after untold $trillions of oil money and the benefit of hindsight) muslims are the sewer of the earth's civilizations. A backwards stupid inbred low intelligence sub group of society. A threat and a burden to the entire world.
The apologists are fused to the muslims by their hatred of white civilization, America, the west in general, Christianity, the jews etc..
So no matter how many lies they tell, or how much they try to oppress opposition to their perversions. Truth will eventually beat them.