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Port Arthur Saga (Read 37708 times)
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Christ Light

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Port Arthur Saga
Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:18pm
18 FEB 2016



Many thanks to all of you who replied so quickly with encouraging words re the email to David V. AGHION (new Readers please see below). Am unable to acknowledge all the emails that are coming in. The Port Arthur incident is now prompting a lot of communication, supportive reactions, and many things are being planned for the 20th Anniversary of Official Lies in April 2016.

The documented fact that the now president of the Australian Senate - Stephen Parry, Liberal Party* TAS; see wikipedia - has known about the pre-planning related to Port Arthur confirms the official killing and wounding there was premeditated and professionally perpetrated. It was a State psycho-terror operation undertaken to shock and enrage Australians to support gun-control legislation. And to cover up its role in this official massacre, the State set up the mentally handicapped (66IQ) and entirely innocent Martin Bryant making him the patsy. (* The Liberal Party of John Howard who supported NO trial for innocent Martin Bryant. That's right. The mongrel John Howard - another lawyer - who became Australia's worst prime minister.)

Good decent Australians have been investigating and speaking out about the official killing and wounding at Port Arthur for nearly 20 years - unlike the gutless mongrel barristers who work in Tasmania and who have done their best to ignore this evil incident. These barristers have turned their back on innocent Martin Bryant who has been wrongly incarcerated and tortured since April 1996. They have failed their moral and ethical responsibilities by denying Truth and Justice to all the families, relatives, and friends of the Port Arthur victims. It is sickening.

Please bring the documented words of this mongrel of a senator Stephen Parry (President of the Australian Senate) to the attention of the families, relatives, and friends of the Port Arthur victims. To the attention of the media - press, radio, TV. To the attention of your local and federal politicians including the senators. To the attention of your church. SPEAK OUT LOUDLY! Demand corrective action and don't accept any bullshit evasive reply letters telling you it is being looked into. Get poor innocent Martin Bryant out of Risdon Prison before they knock him - his days are numbered.

And please note the next Tasmanian barrister to be addressed will be Sandra Taglieri. It's time the public read what women have said in relation to the official massacre at Port Arthur, and learnt about what Ms. Taglieri - another gutless mongrel barrister and an officer of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - has NOT said about the worst injustice in modern-day Australia.


Keith Allan Noble

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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #1 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:19pm
16 FEB 2016


Daniel V. AGHION,

As you are registered as an interstate barrister on the Tasmanian Bar website, you were sent a copy of my email (13 FEB 2016) headed: MARTIN BRYANT'S SONG - Wish I Knew How To be Free (CHERRI BONNEY - BONNEYBUSHTAYLOR Productions). If you have discarded that email, you (and all the new people receiving this email) can find the song on this link:

But today there is another matter, one you could have addressed and still should address and act on. Instead of emailing and asking me to "unsubscribe" you, I put it to you Mr. Aghion that you have a moral and ethical responsibility to investigate the following then report your findings to the Tasmanian Supreme Court of which you are an officer. You certainly should not pretend that this matter does not relate to you by ignoring the appalling, criminal, and callously cruel statements that have emanated from said court - specifically from the mouth of that supremely corrupt judge William Cox (another lawyer).

Just to remind you and all other readers of this email, it was mongrel William Cox who allowed the mentally handicapped (66IQ) Martin Bryant to be denied his legal rights. Who allowed poor Martin to be illegally kept in isolation for six months. Who allowed poor Martin to be represented by your colleague John Avery - aka the anus that walks like a man. Who allowed your colleague that mongrel Damian Bugg to make unproved false statements about poor Martin. And who then sentenced this 11-year-old boy-man to be put into a cage until he dies from enforced drugging and despair, or from being knocked. Yes, your colleague judge William Cox has done all this under the guise of serving justice.

But the truth is, justice has NOT BEEN SERVED to Martin Bryant or to any of the families, relatives, and friends of all the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur. They have been denied the truth and have been officially lied to since 28 APR 1996. The damning facts that prove all this are documented, and if you don't believe me Mr. Aghion, then take me on in public or anywhere else you care to.

Returning to the matter you should investigate as an officer of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - but there is no money in it for you, so the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur will probably never see a report from you - just what would Cox and all your other legal mates in Tasmania and Victoria say if you documented the true facts that innocent Martin Bryant was set up and wrongly convicted then incarcerated forever? An interesting question.

You live in Victoria. Your office (oh sorry, Chambers) is at the toney location of 200 Queen Street, and on the 26th level in fact - some view up there in the clouds. Think about this every time you rise up in the world in the lift from the underground garage where your Mercedes? is parked and remind yourself you've got it made while that dumbsuck Martin Bryant is groaning and grovelling in a cage at Risdon Prison - existing there until they knock him.

Now there is another business in Melbourne that is significant in relation to the official killing at Port Arthur. You should get into your Mercedes or BMW or whatever barristers in Victoria are tooling around town in these days and go over to NELSON BROTHERS Funeral Directors. It's not far from your office (oh sorry, Chambers). Go to Port Melbourne. To 214 Lorimer Street and there have a little discussion with Theo Nelson the managing director. His office is only about 5 kilometres from you at Cloudsville.

Ask Theo Nelson if his company was involved with embalming the bodies after the official killing at Port Arthur. If he says no, then Theo Nelson is a bald-faced liar. Because NELSON BROTHERS had its embalming cannulas right into those victims - just like bloodsucking lawyers get their fangs into their vulnerable clients. And it gets better yet Mr. Aghion. Make serious and honest investigations into the official killing at Port Arthur and it is staggering what you will find.

Ask Theo Nelson if NELSON BROTHERS had embalming equipment especially manufactured to be used for the embalming of the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur. Note the colour of Theo Nelson's face as he will probably go a little pale at this point. If he says no again, then he might be a chronic bald-faced liar. Because this is exactly what Theo Nelson's company and his embalmers did. It was NOT innocent Martin Bryant who made the arrangements for embalming equipment to be got ready for of all the yet-to-be officially murdered victims at Port Arthur. It was NELSON BROTHERS.

What is even more significant - ask Theo Nelson who contacted NELSON BROTHERS and told them a massacre was about to take place?  Before the official killing, a State person must have contacted Theo Nelson or some other manager at NELSON BROTHERS. Was that person Mick/Rick Dyson? (The Tasmanian cop who has admitted in writing that he has a "passion" to be involved with violent incidents. It seems Dyson loves death and destruction. He's the man who the literature says was an official shooter INSIDE Seascape Cottage.) Or maybe it was ASIO who contacted NELSON BROTHERS?

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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #2 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:19pm
And you're laughing now Mr. Aghion. Sure you are. Go on - have a good guffaw you mongrel.

If you cannot regain your composure, ask your assistant (Tammy?) to do some library searches for you. Find the report titled: PORT ARTHUR SEMINAR PAPERS; 1997 (Melbourne, VIC). It was published by the Tasmania State Disaster Committee and sponsored by Emergency Management Australia. When you have your copy of this report, find the paper titled: Port Arthur Massacre 1996 - AFDA National Embalming Team - Detailed Report. And when you have that paper in front of you, turn to page 112 where you will find this statement by Stephen Parry who headed the team that embalmed (25 it seems) victims of the official killing at Port Arthur:

"One firm in particular, NELSON BROTHERS, had organised for an embalming machine box and a special large equipment case to be MANUFACTURED READY FOR THE INCIDENT. These two containers were the envy of all embalmers and worked extremely well." (added capitals)

Still laughing there Mr. Aghion? You really should check this. If you cannot find a copy of the report just let me know as I and other investigators in Australia have copies. (Copies are listed as being at the State Library and other libraries in Victoria. But those copies have probably been pulled off the shelves by now.) And if you want to talk with Stephen Parry, you'll find him at the Australian Senate where he is the president (sic).

Stephen Parry is an ex-cop from Tasmania. He became an embalmer. Then he became the president of the Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA). Then he got himself elected to the senate, wait for it, in 2004 when that mongrel liar John Howard (another lawyer) was prime minister. John Howard who most definitely did not want the legally required trial to take place after the official killing at Port Arthur.

And as you know very well Mr. Aghion, poor innocent Martin Bryant was locked in isolation, coerced to change his plea of innocent, denied a guardian, allowed NO trial, convicted without a shred of hard evidence being assessed by a jury, then incarcerated for the remainder of his life never to be released. And as we know Mr. Aghion, you have never said one word in public to express your disapproval. Please correct me if I am wrong. Even though you have been involved with lawyering since before innocent Martin Bryant was locked up in April 1996, you have done absolutely nothing to right the worst injustice in modern-day Australia.

If you are of the belief that mentally handicapped Martin Bryant phoned NELSON BROTHERS and told them he was going to have a good massacre at Port Arthur and that NELSON BROTHERS should get some new embalming equipment ready, and if you also believe mentally handicapped Martin Bryant told Ray Charlton then of the Southern Region Mortuary Ambulance Service in Tasmania to manufacture a 22-body refrigerated mortuary truck because Charlton was going to need one soon, then you are an incompetent.

All this equipment was ordered, manufactured, and made ready for the pending official killing. Innocent Martin Bryant had nothing to do with it. Just as he had nothing to do with the shooting at the Broad Arrow Café, or at Seascape Cottage, or anywhere else. There is not a shred of hard evidence that proves he did. Will gladly send you a copy of MASS MURDER: Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia (2nd edition; 2014) if you can get your head out of the clouds up there on the 26th floor and face the facts - true facts that confirm from beginning to end that Martin Bryant is innocent. And confirm that barristers like you, officers of the Tasmanian Supreme Court, are gutless mongrels.

And you can be sure Mr. Aghion that your name will be listed with the names of all the other Tasmanian Bar barristers on the Obituary Notice - will be distributed internationally - for allowing innocent Martin Bryant to be put in Risdon Prison and left there to die a cruel unnatural death. Instead of fighting to get him out, you are more interested in having your email address unsubscribed. (Perhaps my emails are bothering your conscience - I hope so.)

Well, to hell with you Aghion - you gutless mongrel.

And if you don't like me calling you a mongrel - you fine, upstanding, middle-class gentleman - please let me know. Will certainly acknowledge your correspondence and at the same time ask you why the following does not apply to poor, innocent, soon-to-be knocked Martin Bryant:

"Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense." Article 11; UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and,

"A fundamental element of the right to a fair trial is that every person should be presumed innocent unless and until proved guilty following a fair trial. This is why the responsibility falls on the state to prove guilt and to discharge the presumption of innocence. Due to the presumption of innocence, a person CANNOT BE COMPELLED TO CONFESS GUILT or give evidence against him/herself.... Because of the serious consequences of conviction, the state must prove guilt to a high standard. If doubt remains, the defendant must be given the benefit of the doubt and cleared because the state’s 'burden of proof' has not been met." The Presumption of Innocence; Fair Trials International - Temple Chambers, London UK. (added capitals)

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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:20pm
Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania that allowed the DEFENCE! lawyer John Avery (your corrupt mongrel colleague and now a legally-convicted criminal) to ram his guilty plea down poor innocent Martin's throat after Martin had been illegally isolated, intimidated, and coerced to change his repeated plea of INNOCENT.

Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania  that allowed the prosecutor Damian Bugg to perjure himself by telling unproved statements and incomplete facts extremely prejudiced against innocent Martin Bryant who witnesses have stated in writing was NOT the gunman.

Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania that conferred dictatorial power to that supremely corrupt so-called judge William Cox which allowed him to waive all innocent Martin Bryant's rights and to condemn him with a coerced confession, with not one piece of hard evidence proving guilt, with NO trial.

Tell us how the Tasmania legal system could do this. Tell us why not one barrister - all officers of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - has ever stood up in public and said it is wrong. Are all you barristers slimy, gutless, money-grubbing, unethical, inhuman mongrels?

Not being a lawyer, I try hard to stay away from bullshit. So as you are a barrister, please enlighten me and the growing number of discontent people in Australia about all the legislation in Tasmania that allowed officials there to set up, convict, incarcerate, and then torture a mentally handicapped boy-man with a 66IQ (what must it be now?).

This is not too much to ask of you Mr. Aghion, barrister of Chancery Chambers (motto: INTEGRITY. EXCELLENCE. JUSTICE - sic) at 200 Queens Street, Melbourne, Victoria.


Dr. Keith Allan Noble; author
Unit 72 B, Am Heumarkt 7
1030 Vienna, Austria
t. 43-1-9712401

related works:

Statements of Port Arthur Massacre Witnesses
leaked from DPP Office, Hobart, Tasmania
2015; 112 pp.
free pdf:

News Corp Australia Articles Inciting Hatred & Killing
2105 SEP 22: 21 pp.
free pdf:

Readings Related to Injustice in Australia
2015 (2nd edition; 796 pp; 100 Authors, 80 Inserts, 66 Readings)
free pdf:

Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia
2014 (2nd edition; 696 pp.)
free pdf:

Tom Molomby
1986; 444 pp.

Evan Whitton
Why Everyone Is a Victim (Except Rich Criminals)
2009; 325 pp.
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #4 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:43pm
many blessings ,

yeah rIGHt .. lets chat about the evidence

port arthur massacre martin bryant setup pt1

Uploaded on Nov 26, 2007
wendy scurr was the first person into the broad arrow cafe after the pt arthur massacre, she has a completely different story to tell from the mainstream media , the police and the federal and state governments, find out just how much disinformation and myths have been created around the pre planned pt arthur massacre ,if you watch this film with an open mind you will never be the same again period. also go to the NEXUS magazine website and download from the their archives section a brilliant 3 part series of articles in PDF format on the event time to take the red pill and wake up to what's really going on in our world.
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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #5 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:45pm


Just in case you guys haven't seen this and sorry if you have, but I think this topic is also vital as we lost our guns and means of protecting ourselves due to the Port Arthur Massacre. So here are 15 points as to why it was an inside job. Might be worth distributing to friends. Got it off the forum. Referenced to another site down the bottom.

You probably believe that Martin Bryant, acting alone, carried out the Port Arthur massacre on Sunday 28th April 1996. If so, can you reconcile the following facts with the official story?

1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence?

2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder. This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had a policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula. Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy?

3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned. After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose. Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence?

4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck.

Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew Martin Bryant from before.
That was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broad Arrow Caf�.
He not only knew Bryant, but also where he used sit in the Broad Arrow and what he used to drink and the conversations he used to have with his daughter.
So what did Laycock say about his identification of the shooter? "I did not recognize the male (shooter) as Martin Bryant".

5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law.

6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana, where they had a barbecue? The police who arrived by boats were a stone's throw away from the main crime scene, the cafe, and they too failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this meant to increase the trauma of the survivors?

7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30pm while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots?

8. Same Question - Different Answer. At a recent Forensics Seminar in Queensland where the Tasmanian Police forensic gun inspector, Gerard Dutton, gave a lecture, the first question came from Mr Ian McNiven. He asked if there was any empirical evidence to link Martin Bryant to the Broad Arrow Cafe. Sargent Dutton immediately closed the 15 minute question time and would not reply. When McNiven managed to say "I have here Graham Collyer's police statement...", Sgt Dutton threatened him with arrest and called for security agents to escort McNiven out of the building.

When Dutton was asked the same question in America by a Doctor at a seminar, he replied truthfully - "There is no empirical evidence to link Bryant to the cafe."

9. Yet a police video tape exists which proves that the police had an excellent opportunity to get DNA samples and finger prints of the gunman. The video briefly shows the blue sports bag on a cafe table. The gunman had carried his 3 rifles in this bag and left it right next to his drinking glass, his Solo soft drink can, knife, fork, plate, video cameras, etc. Why did the police fail to take DNA samples and finger prints?

10. According to the official story, Bryant first killed David and Sally Martin at Seascape Cottage in the morning, then went on to Port Arthur. Yet two policemen have reported seeing a naked woman with black hair, screaming and running from one building to another at Seascape well into the afternoon. If Sally Martin was dead, who was this woman?

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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #6 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:45pm
11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the 'siege' and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as 'coughs' but an electronic analysis of one of the 'coughs' shows that it was an SKK shot.

12. Two More Very Handy Seminars. On the Sunday morning, some 25 specialist doctors (Royal Australian College of Surgeons) from all over Australia had attended a training course in Hobart, and their last lecture was on Terrorist Attack and Gunshot Wounds. They stayed on to take care of the wounded victims.

13. Also, more than 700 reporters from 17 nations came to a seminar in Hobart. They were asked to arrive during the week-end as the seminar was due to begin early on Monday morning. How handy to have 700 scribblers churning out their anti-gun and disarmament propaganda to the whole world!

14. "There will never be uniform Gun Laws in Australia until we see a massacre somewhere in Tasmania" said Barry Unsworth, NSW Premier, December, 1987 at a conference in Hobart. Prophecy or Planning?

15. "If we don't get it right this time (gun laws) next time there is a massacre, and there will be, then they'll take all our guns off us", said the deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer in May 1996. Who is the "THEY" who would order the removal of our guns? Did Fischer let slip that gun confiscation has been ordered by someone other than our own leaders?
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #7 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:47pm
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Christ Light

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #8 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:17pm
many blessings sir bobby

you have logic ?

this is yet to be displayed from one such as you are ..

you are forgiven


so be at peace

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #9 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:19pm
11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the 'siege' and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as 'coughs' but an electronic analysis of one of the 'coughs' shows that it was an SKK shot.
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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #10 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:27pm
He Pleaded Guilty...

good enough for me...
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The STORM has arrived
Every Dog Has Its Day...
Dark to Light.
Sheep no more.
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #11 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:56pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:17pm:
many blessings sir bobby

you have logic ?

this is yet to be displayed from one such as you are ..

you are forgiven

so be at peace


Grasshopper - when you can take the pebble from my hand you will have learnt.

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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #12 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:10pm
He used to sleep with a Pig..  Undecided
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The STORM has arrived
Every Dog Has Its Day...
Dark to Light.
Sheep no more.
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
Gender: male
Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #13 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:13pm
many blessings sir bobby

yet you remain poor and offtopic

all you have is limp wristed ridicule and besmirchment

yet rejoice for ye are forgiven

as we continue here with the facts

of which you are constantly avoiding to make space and place for your inanity

do attempt to stay on topic with facts ,

yet either way be at peace

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Re: Port Arthur Saga
Reply #14 - Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:45pm
Dear master Light,
many blessings.
Many people have dreams of greatness & knowledge but
for most they just hit the canvas:

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