Wow. Up to ten and a half grand for the NBN company to merely run a couple of fibre cables 300 metres through Telstra pits and pipes that they already have access to, in the Newcastle CBD. That’s nice work if you can get it … surely this wouldn’t take a couple of technicians more than a couple of hours to get done.
Sounds like price gouging to me — to customers who were promised by Turnbull that they would get FTTP for free, being in a major city’s central business district.
But more to the point, we now have conclusive evidence that the cost estimates raised by Turnbull and other figures in the Coalition about the NBN company’s planned fibre on demand service were patently false.
At the time, the Member for Wentworth quoted a guesstimate of about $3,000 for a 500 metre fibre extension. “It is not $5,000,” he said.
Three years later, the real cost has been revealed. At least Turnbull was right about one thing — the cost is nowhere near $5,000. It could actually be double that.