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Not all Muzlims are terrorists (Read 7219 times)
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A cat with a view
Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #30 - Mar 11th, 2016 at 5:36pm
|dev|null wrote on Mar 10th, 2016 at 1:07pm:

You're assuming that ALL Muslims are 100% devout and obey ALL the tenants of Islam 100%.


The holy Koran is the revealed word of Allah.

Ask any REAL moslem!

The moslem who contends with [and disagrees with] the commands given by Allah,  not a moslem, and has no right to call himself a moslem.

That is what Allah himself declares.

"We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed..........they ['believers'] can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction."
Koran 4.64, 65

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4


You are an ignorant and illogical 'goose' of person.

Aren't you ???          Huh

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #31 - Mar 11th, 2016 at 5:43pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 11th, 2016 at 3:21pm:
|dev|null wrote on Mar 10th, 2016 at 1:07pm:
You're assuming that ALL Muslims are 100% devout and obey ALL the tenants of Islam 100%. 

No he's just assuming    his version of Islam    is the one true version of Islam.

As he always does.


Do tell;

Which is the correct version of ISLAM ?

What version of ISLAM do you follow ?

What version of the Koran, the correct and inerrant version of the Koran ???

Coz, we don't want to be following error,        DO WE !!!!!!!!


The holy Koran is the revealed word of Allah.

Ask any REAL moslem!

The moslem who contends with [and disagrees with] the commands given by Allah, IN THE KORAN,  not a moslem, and has no right to call himself a moslem.

That is what Allah himself declares.

"We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed..........they ['believers'] can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction."
Koran 4.64, 65

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #32 - Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:14pm
The IS files. Twenty Two Thousand named. Of course, all Muzlims are not terrorists, just the ones who get caught.

"The names of three of the Paris attackers appear in files leaked from the Islamic State militant group, according to German media reports.
The three are believed to have carried out the worst attack, at the Bataclan theatre, where 90 people died.
The IS files, obtained by German, UK and Syrian opposition media, are said to identify thousands of jihadist recruits from at least 40 countries.
German officials have said the files can be assumed to be genuine.
Roughly 22,000 fighters are reportedly identified by the documents, with one file for each recruit listing a name, address and other information."
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #33 - Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:24pm
|dev|null wrote on Mar 11th, 2016 at 11:07am:
Soren wrote on Mar 10th, 2016 at 7:32pm:
If they want sharia law they are oppressors and terrorists.  You can't be peaceful and advocate sharia law. It's a contradiction.

According to whom?  You?  We all know you're a religious bigot Soren.

There is NO democratic sharia - if there was, it could be voted OUT of existence. But it cannot be voted out. Once sharia is in, only a war would get rid of it.

There is no democratic Christianity.   Wake up to yourself Soren.  You're a religious bigot.   Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin

That's why the West is secular.

But sharia can never be secular, nor can it be separated from Muslim societies.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #34 - Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:58pm
Lmao.. some of this stuff is incredible.

Some people live their entire lives in fear.. gays want to get married, blacks are taking all our jobs, Muslims are going to kill us all !

Muslims believe in exactly the same god that half you people believe in.

Trying to intimate that all Muslims are terrorists just shows complete ignorance.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #35 - Mar 12th, 2016 at 8:32pm
Some of them are just rapists.

Question: WHERE are the beat police in this town?

Answer: All keeping warm at the Police Station having coffees and donuts while the local girls are getting raped.

Some of us here are old enough to remember when police walked the streets 24/7 - summer and winter.

And then the police union stepped in and demanded better conditions for its members.

Result: No more walking the beat.

"Two 10-year-old schoolgirls molested and a woman's trousers ripped off: Inside the sleepy Swedish town rocked by EIGHT sex attacks in three weeks by migrant men".

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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #36 - Mar 13th, 2016 at 2:05pm
"Some of them are just rapists."

Well thats better than "all".. lol

Some whites are just rapists.. so?

Im old enough to remember LOTS of things.. but I never remember the cops doing anything 24/7.. taking bribes or being corrupt maybe...
Not everything was better in the "old days"..

All your links seem to be to the Daily Mail??.. says a lot in itself.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #37 - Mar 13th, 2016 at 8:43pm
ih8pumpkin wrote on Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:58pm:
Lmao.. some of this stuff is incredible.

Muslims believe in exactly the same god that half you people believe in.

Nonsense on stilts. Worse- bollocks on stilts.

You are a self-hating pumpkin, pumpkin.

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« Last Edit: Mar 13th, 2016 at 11:16pm by Soren »  
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #38 - Mar 13th, 2016 at 9:02pm
Muhammed liked to tell the Jews that he was their prophet and they should acknowledge this, or else. He never did figure out why they got so hostile about it.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #39 - Mar 13th, 2016 at 9:13pm
ih8pumpkin wrote on Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:58pm:
Lmao.. some of this stuff is incredible.

Muslims believe in exactly the same god that half you people believe in.

Allah demands 20% of all war booty, can you cite where the exact same god you claim others believe in demands 20% of all war booty?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #40 - Mar 14th, 2016 at 6:42am
At least 16 dead at resort hotel in Ivory Coast. Yep, the religion of peace is spreading the love.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #41 - Mar 14th, 2016 at 7:37am
ih8pumpkin wrote on Mar 12th, 2016 at 2:58pm:
Lmao.. some of this stuff is incredible.

Some people live their entire lives in fear.. gays want to get married, blacks are taking all our jobs, Muslims are going to kill us all !

Muslims believe in exactly the same god that half you people believe in.

Trying to intimate that all Muslims are terrorists just shows complete ignorance.

Incorrect - that's a lie muslims tell you.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #42 - Mar 14th, 2016 at 7:37am
issuevoter wrote on Mar 14th, 2016 at 6:42am:
At least 16 dead at resort hotel in Ivory Coast. Yep, the religion of peace is spreading the love.

Yes, that is islam
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #43 - Mar 14th, 2016 at 8:43am
If Muzlims believed in the same God as everyone else, they would not have much of a reason to call others Infidels and apostates, both of whom they have condemned to death in the name of Allah. The problem is not their God. It is something shared with other religions, only in their case it is taken to murderous extents by much larger numbers than any other religion. That shared element is the personality cult. In their case it is Mohamed.

Other personality cults include the cults of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, Buddha, Abraham and moderns like Marx, Mao, and L. Ron Hubbard.

The reason Islam is so horrifically and indiscriminately  violent is tribal in origin, but the satanic verses of the Koran play well to their temperament . Look at the swathe of Islam from West Africa to the Philippines. It includes tribal vendettas, xenophobic insularity, superstition, base cruelty, racism and plain ignorance of modern progressive thought and science. It is the backwater of humanity, and its leaders wish to keep it that way.

In the case of the West's so called War on terror, these Mohomedan cult leaders use the deaths of their fanatics as martyrdom; anything to keep the cycle of violent ignorance going.
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Re: Not all Muzlims are terrorists
Reply #44 - Mar 14th, 2016 at 1:34pm
Yadda, do you describe yourself as a "Christian"?

Do you follow the tenants of the Christian religion 100% ALL of the time?

Just wonderin' how you justify your hatred of Muslims, in the face of Christ's command to "love thy neighbour"...    Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin
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"Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism." - Malala Yousefzai, 2013.

"we will never ever solve violence while we grasp for overly simplistic solutions."
Freediver, 2007.
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