aquascoot wrote on Mar 10
th, 2016 at 6:36pm:
tickleandrose wrote on Mar 10
th, 2016 at 11:36am:
The issue is the combination of lack of good role model and morphed body image in media. And then it's break down of larger nuclear family. All of them perpetrated by extreme right corporatism rather than the leftist.
what are you on about.
The demise of the confident male as head of the family , which was the standard narrative for countless generations is ENTIRELY due to leftard feminism, moronic leftard loons like Whitlam with his quickee divorces and single mothers pensions , and a leftard media which teaches kids to be fearful of environemental disasters and to be in a constant frame of apologising to svengali for living on someone elses land (as broadcast in supplicating school assemblies every morning ...thanking the rightful owners of the land for your right to be here).
good grief, kids are taught zero resilience, zero pride, zero ambition by lefties with zero confidence.
the whole education system is staffed with fearful anxious leftard female teachers and armies of hand wringing guidance officers.
Let old scoot in there to kick some heads and build some legitimate self esteem for these miserable quivering scared fearful anxious directionless scrubs that the system is churning out .
I disagree entirely with you and cultural warrior. Feminism was bought about inevitability after critical turning point of industrial revolution, and follows the gradually - but at times violent steps towards democracy from an old feudal system that was once in England. For example, the peasants revolt bought about initial changes that allow the commons to vote - abit just men. The passing over of those rights to woman and then the minorities were then just extensions. And then modern feminism movement - is a further extension yet. You will find that this quest for equality among individuals are supported by moderates of both sides of the politics.
Secondly, feminism does not seek to remove male as confident head of family.
Rather, it seeks to give rise to two confident heads of the family, or as each individual family permits, if there have to be one head, then it can either male or female.
One cannot say that feminism is entirely to blame for erosion of the nuclear family. It is at its heart, just an ideology. Rather, the real practical breakdown of nuclear family in modern decades are due to the changing economy of our society. The deregulation of banking, the ever increasing and spirally cost of living, cost of housing, cost of health, and
the media driving ideology of independence --> had all directly and practically contributed to people working longer, studying longer, and as consequence less time for family. That I think is the real problem.
Its a bit rich for people like you to cry foul about feminism and nuclear family breakdown, and yet on another thread, attacking weekend penalty rates and wages on another. Make up your minds.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.....
.. and what else is feminism based on but media driven 'independence'? The media is full of endless stories of great women.... while Rome burns...