http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=7056Magic Honky Theory
For as long as most people reading this have been alive, the cult in charge of America has preached the need for full integration. This has led to endless campaigns to “desegregate” the schools, housing, jobs, sports clubs, etc. These campaigns are often insanely self-contradictory. Fire departments are sued for discriminating against whites, while also being sued for not discriminating against whites. The inherent truth revealed in these contradictions is ignored.
Domesticated conservatives put on their serious face and point out the hypocrisy and idiocy of these efforts. The habit of blacks, for instance, of creating domains exclusively for blacks is politely ignored, while the similar habit among whites is attacked with the fury of the state and state run media. Imagine trying get White Entertainment Television on basic cable. Remember the horror when kids pretended to create white student unions?
The folks out on the fringe, the people who refuse to be house broken by the Left, make sport of this stuff. There’s little point in taking it seriously as the people promoting Magic Dirt Theory are incapable of rational thought. After all, if you think putting D’Shawn and his half dozen baby mommas out in the suburbs will magically transform them into middle-class burghers, you’re immune to reason. It’s better to leave the pointless debating to the kept men of Buckley Conservatism and have fun making sport of the them.
In fairness, the people promoting Magic Dirt Theory will say they are operating from reason. Humans are a blank slate and if trained properly, by growing up in a properly structured environment, they will turn out properly structured. If D’Shawn happens to murder a nice white girl out in the suburbs, it is the price that you must pay so that D’Shawn’ eight kids will turn out better than their parents.
This is where the “appeal to reason” by the Cult is just way of deflecting the unwanted gaze from what they believe onto other topics. After all, if they really thought they could mold these people, they would be in favor of building black-only towns in which to provide the proper structure and training to D’Shawn and his cohort of bastards. That way they would avoid the problem of hate thinkers and bad whites screwing up the project. It is the logical end point of their blank slate arguments.
The way around this has been to argue that “diversity” makes everyone better somehow. This proximity effect only works in your neighborhood, of course. The bunkered enclaves where our betters live are almost all white. Like so much of what these people say in public, it is intended to obscure, not explain. Ask these people why diversity is good and they start mumbling about their favorite Ethiopian restaurant. Western civilization did OK without having a single Ethiopian restaurant for a few millennia, but we’re to believe it is now a necessity.
Anyway, this story from state controlled media gets to one root explanation for the Cult’s integration fanaticism.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is making it easier for people with criminal records to find housing.
In new guidance, released Monday, HUD tells landlords and home sellers that turning down tenants or buyers based on their criminal records may violate the Fair Housing Act.
Because of widespread racial and ethnic disparities in the U.S. criminal justice system, criminal history-based restrictions on access to housing are likely disproportionately to burden African Americans and Hispanics.
New HUD guidance on criminal records and the Fair Housing Act
People with criminal records aren’t a protected class under the Fair Housing Act, and the guidance from HUD’s general counsel says that in some cases, turning down an individual tenant because of his or her record can be legally justified.
But blanket policies of refusing to rent to anybody with a criminal record are de facto discrimination, the department says — because of the systemic disparities of the American criminal justice system.
What’s going on here is pretty simple. In the suburbs, landlords use credit and criminal records to keep out people who don’t fit the neighborhood profile. They don’t want their property values collapsing anymore than the local homeowners. A bad tenant can consume the profits of a rental property before you can evict them so the landlords try to use good judgement when screening their tenants.
The Cult hates this because they are convinced that if they can situate non-whites within close proximity of whites, the special magic that allows whites to run civilized communities will transmit to the non-Asian minority and transform them into good citizens. In the case of ex-cons, putting them in with the law abiding will magically rehabilitate them. This is the Magic Honky Theory. Stand close enough to the white guys and you start to act white.
As is the case with everything the Cult says, it is riddled with contradictions. If Whites are the racists monsters they claim, then why in the world would anyone want to send blacks to live with whites? That’s like sending Jews out to Idaho to live with skinheads. Of course, there’s no explaining how it is the honky got this magic stuff that lets him dominate the non-honky, but also oppress the non-honky. What if the non-honky gets this magic and begins oppressing the honky?
Of course