polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 13
th, 2016 at 8:08am:
freediver wrote on Mar 12
th, 2016 at 9:33pm:
So the schools stumbled blindly into a situation that could get them closed down?
Literally, yes. The bookeeping is handled directly by AFIC with no transparency by the schools. The AFIC constitutions dictates the schools are not allowed to be involved. And they have all the legal rights - they own the grounds and they control the funding. Schools need a) funding and b) grounds, and when AFIC is the only body able to provide those resources, what choice to the schools have when they can't provide it themselves? And the time AFIC stepped in there was no corruption going on, and for many years they served the schools well. And by the time this all boiled over, the schools were legally and financially bound to AFIC.
I found out about the impending closing down of my school when it was reported by ABC news. Its fine for you and Soren to pontificate about sinister/stupid muslims continuing to send their kids to corrupt schools, but for muslim parents looking for a muslim school to send their children, and they see literally the only one in town that is fully registered by the government, with (then) full backing from both governments, and no hint from anyone that there is any sort of irregularities going on - it comes across as a bit rich.
Muslims shafting other Muslims. Ummah, innit? What's new?? Muslim Muslimi lupus est, to coin a phrase. Man is wolf to man but Muslims are wolves to Muslims even worse. The corrupt and fraudulent practices widespread in every Muslim country are brought to the West as 'cultural enrichment'. This is typical Orwellian doublespeak, it's real meaning is cultural degradation.
Muslims are simple one of the most visible indicators of the failure of multiculturalism and the lies about the positives of 'diversity' and 'cultural enrichment'. You don't need to import Muslims to have a recipe for a good garlic chicken and fatoush but you must have Muslims to have the threat of the closure of 6 Islamic schools due to corruption and dishonesty.
Cuisine versus thorough and ingrained corruption - the balance of multicultural positives and negatives.
To be fair, you don't even have the cuisine with Islanders.