Quote:You see, the reason you are having such difficulties here is that you can't (or refuse) to see any distinctions where muslims are involved. To you we're just a great big homogenous group of "muslims" - all sinister and all corrupt by default. Thats why you rhetorically ask me why the "replacement organisation" will be different. I say rhetorically, because thats exactly what it is - a rhetorical question. You are really stating something as fact - that any other "muslims" that take over are naturally going to be just as bad, since, well you know, we're muslims.
No Gandalf, I was genuinely surprised to see you argue that corruption is inevitable and to be expected from religious organisations, and that they actually need to be run as a business - despite the current example which will hopefully destroy AFIC. It makes no sense to me, so the distinction you are making is far from obvious.
Quote:So it then becomes a burden on me to disprove the natural order. Your line of inquiry can be summarised as 'muslims are naturally sinister and corrupt - so explain to me how this other group of muslims will be any different'.
Actually Gandalf this was your argument. Do you remember all the references you made to the catholic church to try to prove your point?
Quote:No doubt you will retort by saying it was me who came up with the idea that this behaviour is normal and inevitable.
Is that incorrect?
Quote:And of course by doing so you would once again get a Class A Fail for reading comprehension - since my point was about 'AFIC like organisations', big religious national, and often trans-national bodies being run like corporations who run their institutions for profit.
Ah. Was profit written into the AFIC constitution?
Quote:And naturally you see no difference between these bodies and local communities who take control of their school - for their community.
I previously gave examples of such local organisations to counter your 'inevitable corruption' argument. Did it never occur to you to point this out before? Or did you only just come up with it?
Quote:We are all muslims - 'grinning muslims' as you so offensively put it some time ago, all with a hive mind and all conspiring together to be corrupt.
Where have I seen this "hive mind and all conspiring together" thing before Gandalf? Was it less offensive when you said it?