Quote:So getting back to your favourite theme of spin, would you categorise equating "hostility to Israel" to wanting to wipe Israel off the map as a definition of spin?
I am not saying they are equal. We agree that Falah is hostile to Israel. You invented the bit about it being limited to 'occupied territories', the west bank etc.
Quote:Would you at least agree that taking the position that "Israelis could live as good neighbours" is - at least on the surface - somewhat inconsistent with being hell-bent on wiping Israel off the map?
Not in Falah's case. See for example his little fantasy about protection of Jews under Muslim rule. He actually used the example of Yemeni Jews to demonstrate this. Or his complaint that the Palestinians never invited the Jews to rule over them. This view is common among Muslims - that the rightful place of a Jew is as a second class citizen in an Islamic State. What bothers them about Israel is not the presence of Jews, but that Jews are in charge, although in Falah's case he apparently also wants to send them back to wherever they came from.
Quote:Finally, do you not think its a little weak to state so categorically that someone wants Israel wiped off the map, and despite what has obviously been a lot of digging, not be able to come up with a single quote saying such a thing?
I haven't found him using those exact words. But I never claimed he used those exact words. The only reason I went looking for examples was you attempt to spin it into the opposite of what he said.