polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2016 at 2:20pm:
Is that all you've got left FD? vacuous ad-hominems?
You're not even bothering with the issue any more.
'Israelis' literally means citizens of the state of Israel - correct? An 'Israeli' then, cannot by definition exist without the existence of the state of Israel. Yet apparently its me whose engaging in spin for accepting that he means what he actually says.
Can you at the very least acknowledge the indisputable fact that your interpretation relies on the assumption that he doesn't mean what he says - ie that when he says "Israelis" he doesn't actually mean "Israelis", but stateless jews living as subjects in an Islamic state - even though he doesn't even mention muslims 'wiping Israel off the map' and forcing jews to live as their subjects?
He means people who are currently citizens of Israel - Israelis. Even I would still call them that if I anticipated the end of the state of Israel. If he called them "stateless jews living as subjects in an Islamic state" instead, we wouldn't know who he was actually talking about. Even "ex-citizens of the no-longer existing state of Israel" would be an unnecessary convolution.
Do you honestly believe the crap you are spinning Gandalf? I would assume this is a windup, but it is hard to tell with Muslims.
Quote:Actually this entire thread is nothing but a spiteful personal attack: from the outset he mocked me for going to such lengths to put a positive spin on the extreme rantings of my fellow muslims. Its nothing but a de-humanizing exercise - show our hive mind and how sinister we are. Thats really all this thread is about.
No Gandalf, I was merely hoping to get you to stop acting like a Nazi apologist.
Gandalf, this quote from Falah was in my opening post:
Quote:The Balfour Zionist occupation of Jerusalem has lasted 94 years.
How does this fit in with your insistence that Falah's hostility to Israel is limited to retaking the west bank?