As you read these reports, always remember;
There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about, ....these circumstances just reflect all of the benefits, and the cultural richness of MULTICULTURALISM, which we all being encouraged to embrace, and to 'enjoy'. !!!!
![Tongue Tongue](
By Robert Spencer on Mar 15, 2016 05:19 am
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Progressive Brownshirts
In FrontPage today I discuss how Leftist protesters are making violence and intimidation a regular feature of the American public discourse. Ferguson. Baltimore. Chicago. Everywhere Leftist protesters occupy the streets, those whose opinions are deemed insufficiently progressive are abused, mocked, ridiculed, brutalized and physically menaced. This lawlessness is rapidly becoming the norm; the Obama administration, […]
By Robert Spencer on Mar 16, 2016 05:53 pm
Nigeria: Muslims murder 500 Christians over the last month
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Radical Islamist Herdsmen Kill 500 Nigerian Christians Over Month; Villagers Afraid to Bury Their Dead,” by Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post, March 16, 2016: Radical Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria have killed close to 500 predominantly Christian farmers in Benue state in central Nigeria in a series of attacks over the […]
By Robert Spencer on Mar 16, 2016 05:36 pm
France battling jihadis in police force, military
French authorities, like authorities all over the West, were sure that Islam was a Religion of Peace, and so there would be absolutely no problem with Muslims in the police force and the military, and only greasy Islamophobes thought otherwise. Now they are, sacre bleu, dealing with jihadis and Islamic supremacists among the police and […]
By Robert Spencer on Mar 16, 2016 05:19 pm
UK: Muslim care home staff stopped residents from having bacon sandwiches
In Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities. Sharia UK Update: “Muslim care home staff stopped elderly residents having bacon sandwiches, report finds,” by Nicola Harley, Telegraph, March 16, 2016: A council-run care service has been told to improve after […]
By Robert Spencer on Mar 16, 2016 02:33 pm
Police foil “imminent” jihad mass murder attack in Paris
The Islamic State has issued this call in September 2014: If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, […]
By Robert Spencer on Mar 16, 2016 12:43 pm
Canada: Muslim says “Allah told” him to stab soldiers; top cop worries about “Islamophobia”
“While at the scene, the accused stated: ‘Allah told me to do this. Allah told me to come here and kill people,’ Saunders said at a press conference Tuesday morning….’I want to be very, very careful, when it comes to the national security piece, that we don’t through that Islamophobia nonsense,’ Saunders said. ‘I don’t […]