0ktema wrote on Mar 23 rd, 2016 at 3:32pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 23 rd, 2016 at 3:12pm: 0ktema wrote on Mar 23 rd, 2016 at 3:06pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 10:04pm: Lionel Edriess wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 9:28pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 6:06pm: GordyL wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 6:03pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 6:01pm: GordyL wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 6:01pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2016 at 5:59pm: That was a world record.
Only took one minute for an ignorant Islamophobe, consumed with fear & hatred, to enter the thread.
Well done! So, who do you think will end up being responsible, Quakers? Jedis? Oh I just bet it's those Jainists. Those Jainists are seriously fkd up!! Insane terrorists, is my guess. We'll have to wait and see, though. You know, even Muslims admit there is a problem within their faith, you know, radical jihadist Islam and all that stuff. If they can admit it, why can't you? Of course there's a problem. You've mistaken me for someone else. I've never denied the existence of insane Muslims. However, the religion of the criminals responsible is irrelevant to the people who have been killed. My thoughts are with them, and their families. It comes as no surprise to me, though, that those on the right are more interested in trying to find excuses for the terrorists. So, your sole reason for the OP was to ... ... notify fellow forum members of a major news story. Yes. Apologist. greggery you might imagine that the stance you hold is helpful, but then again perhaps it's not anywhere near as helpful as you might think! " Former Islamic extremist: ‘The far Left is helping ISIS’ " Quote:The far Left's delusion that the likes of ISIS are not inspired by Islam is discrediting the moderate Muslims trying to reform their faith, former Islamic extremist Maajid Nawaz has told Yahoo7.
Maajid Nawaz, who was formally a member of radical Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, is now seeking to challenge the narrative of Islamic extremists and form a more moderate Islam.
Nawaz has coined the phrase the ‘Regressive Left’, which he describes as a section of the Left wing of politics who “are abusing terms such as racism, bigotry and Islamophobia to shutdown debate”.
“Islam is not a race and it is certainly not racist to scrutinise Islam just as it is not anti-Christian to scrutinise, critique and satirise Christianity.
“No idea should be above scrutiny, just as no people should be below dignity."
Nawaz said it is “absurd” to state that the likes of ISIS are not inspired by Islam, as some liberal thinkers on the Left attempt to claim.
“It is self-evident that ISIS have got something to do with Islam," Nawaz said.
“When ISIS throws gays off the top of buildings, they are using scripture. In fact there are traditions ascribed to the prophet where it says that is exactly the punishment that should be given to gays.
“When they are stoning women to death, it is in scripture. When they are chopping off hands I can read you the Arabic in the Quran which tells them to do that.
“I’m not saying that is Islam, I am saying that is a view of Islam justified by scripture,” he said.
Nawaz said that the Regressive Left's denialism of these facts is a deeply damaging stance to take.
“If you don’t recognise that Islam is being used by megalomaniac, totalitarian theocrats for their own project, what you are doing is depriving Muslim reform voices from the authority they need to reclaim their faith from those who are hijacking it.
“Muslims are complaining that their faith is being hijacked, well, if you are saying you faith is being hijacked clearly it is something to do with Islam then.
“It is a disingenuous stance to take otherwise and it hinders the voice of moderate Muslims looking towards reform,” he said. Apologist. Well that is an incredibly lazy response greggery. I hope it didn't strain your intellectual processes to much. It's an incredibly accurate & succinct response.