He's MAD AS HELL and he's NOT going to stay quiet on this any more!He loathes Caucasian anti-Whites who believe there's moral-progressive mileage to be made out of condemning their Own Kind to extinction through the deliberate (think Tony Blair) immigration of vast hordes of blacks and brindles from the Third World.
So okay - I'm actually very surprised to hear such a celebrated and popular media personality speaking in such strong terms about racial purity. It's the first time I've heard this from him, and in one fell swoop he's probably cut his hitherto admirers down by half, if not more.
As a theoretical scientist he would surely know that a huge number of his international colleagues are blacks-and-brindles from the Indian subcontinent, and the rest of the academic geniuses are from South East Asia.
I'm just not quite sure what he's inferring by decrying the extinction of the lily-white peoples of this planet.
From my perspective
Culture is everything ... and ...
"Judge not a man by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character" - pretty much does it for me.
But does Hawking know something about 'race' that I/we don't?
SHOULD we fear the gradual disappearance of the Whites via the auspices of breeding with the non-Whites?
Maybe I'm a 'race-traitor' - but I don't feel any sense of alarm that perhaps within the next thousands years we will all be Darkies and Nig-Nogs to some degree.