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How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th (Read 4169 times)
Gold Member

Posts: 21894
A cat with a view
Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #45 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:18pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:02pm:

.......i would suggest, that you OPPOSE peaceful free speech,        ....whenever others want to express a political opinion which does not align with your own political opinion.

mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:06pm:

I do no oppose peaceful free speech at all. I debate ideas and thoughts.

I condemn hate speech.

I may not agree with you but i'd die for your right to express yourself peacefully.

greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:07pm:

What would you base that lie on?

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #46 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:23pm
Yeah well, that didn't really answer the question, now did it?
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #47 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:28pm
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:23pm:
Yeah well, that didn't really answer the question, now did it?

Yadda, answer a question.

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A cat with a view
Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #48 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:45pm
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:

I'm anti-racist, anti-Islamophobia, anti-prejudice and anti-discrimination.

Yadda wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:02pm:


Are political leftists, and political progressives today [in traditionally democratic nations, like Australia], trying to set themselves up as an actual defacto new political elite,       .....whose political opinions and political views must not be allowed to be publicly contradicted ???

I think that they are.


Political leftists, and political progressives are portraying themselves as 'anti-fascists', when they attend public meetings being held by anti-ISLAM protesters.

But the fact is, that the political leftists, and political progressives are using the exact same political tactics which fascists have always employed !!!


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #49 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:48pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:45pm:
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:

I'm anti-racist, anti-Islamophobia, anti-prejudice and anti-discrimination.

Yadda wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:02pm:


Are political leftists, and political progressives today [in traditionally democratic nations, like Australia], trying to set themselves up as an actual defacto new political elite,       .....whose political opinions and political views must not be allowed to be publicly contradicted ???

I think that they are.


Political leftists, and political progressives are portraying themselves as 'anti-fascists', when they attend public meetings being held by anti-ISLAM protesters.

But the fact is, that the political leftists, and political progressives are using the exact same political tactics which fascists have always employed !!!


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Get some help.

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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #50 - Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:56pm
Yadda, you still haven't explained how i "oppose free speech".
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #51 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 1:21am
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:
No, i;'m very clear on what i stand for Frank. All people to be treated with decency, dignity and respect. Regardless of their race, religion, age, socio-economic status or political persuasion.

Well thats absolutely fabulous and now that you have got your endorphine rush from being the most morally righteous person in the history of planet Earth what are you going to do with all those people that have come here under false pretenses that view your altruism as a profound weakness.

No its OK, allow me, you are not going to do anything, you are going to let evil walk all over yourself  and all those around you because you are not the sort of person that offers up resistance, you have no self respect and you feel that you are not even worthy of responding to the threat.

Your only answer is to kowtow, this is the one true path that every leftard takes.
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #52 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 1:40am
innocentbystander. wrote on Apr 8th, 2016 at 1:21am:
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:
No, i;'m very clear on what i stand for Frank. All people to be treated with decency, dignity and respect. Regardless of their race, religion, age, socio-economic status or political persuasion.

Well thats absolutely fabulous and now that you have got your endorphine rush from being the most morally righteous person in the history of planet Earth what are you going to do with all those people that have come here under false pretenses that view your altruism as a profound weakness.

No its OK, allow me, you are not going to do anything, you are going to let evil walk all over yourself  and all those around you because you are not the sort of person that offers up resistance, you have no self respect and you feel that you are not even worthy of responding to the threat.

Your only answer is to kowtow, this is the one true path that every leftard takes.

What evil are you referring to Bystander?

Racism? Xenophobia? Violence?

How does anything i say suggest i hold no resistance to what i consider unpalatable. Clearly i do. Who am i "kowtowing" to?

I'm just not a paranoid, racist, wing-nut is all. If people break the law, and the law includes mandates against racial vilification, then they should be dealt with accordingly.

But they should still be treated with decency, dignity and in keeping with a higher ethical standard than they have displayed.
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Posts: 21894
A cat with a view
Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #53 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 7:47am
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 11:56pm:

Yadda, you still haven't explained how i "oppose free speech".


This is what you declared.

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mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:

I'm anti-racist, anti-Islamophobia, anti-prejudice and anti-discrimination.


You declare that you are 'anti-racist'.

I have been [falsely] declared to be a 'racist' here on OzPol, because i oppose what ISLAM teaches and promotes.

You declare that you are 'anti-Islamophobia'.

I have been declared to be a Islamophobe here on OzPol, because i oppose what ISLAM teaches and promotes.

You declare that you are 'anti-discrimination'.

discrimination = =
1 the action of discriminating against people.
2 recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.   good judgement or taste.


discriminating = = having or showing good taste or judgement.


You declare that you oppose discrimination, and are 'anti-discrimination'.

Why so ?

To declare that you oppose discrimination, and are 'anti-discrimination' is a broad and 'catch-all' statement, imo!

Are you declaring that putting murderers and violent criminals in goal, is somehow wrong, and that, in doing so, society is wrongly 'discriminating' against murderers and violent criminals ???

Where is YOUR distinction between good and evil, in declaring that you are 'anti-discrimination' ?

And, imo, it is the exact same issue with my 'discrimination' against ISLAM.

Mainstream ISLAM is a philosophy which [within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws] teaches every moslem,        .....that a moslem who murders an enemy of Allah, is a good and virtuous person.


I choose, to 'discriminate' against those who defend ISLAM, and those who want to see the unrestrained spread of ISLAM.


ISLAM is a philosophy which exists to encourage political violence [terrorism] against disbelieving non-moslems.

Mainstream ISLAM teaches and promotes religious bigotry and religious violence against those who don't believe, as moslems believe.
[e.g.            Koran 9.29            Koran 2.216            Koran 9.123            Koran 9.111 ]

So in opposing those who oppose the unrestrained spread of ISLAM, are supporting those who promote religious bigotry and religious violence,         .....and you are supporting the suppression of the rights and freedoms of those who want to publicly declare their opposition to the unrestrained spread of ISLAM [and what it promotes].



IMO, you are a willing and knowing supporter of religious bigotry and religious violence, of religious and political fascism,         .....and of the suppression of the peaceful rights and freedoms of persons, who are seeking to peacefully declare their opposition to the unrestrained spread of ISLAM [and what it promotes].


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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2016 at 7:57am by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21894
A cat with a view
Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #54 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 8:30am
Yadda wrote on Apr 8th, 2016 at 7:47am:


IMO, you are a willing and knowing supporter of religious bigotry and religious violence, of religious and political fascism,

         .....and of the suppression of the peaceful rights and freedoms of persons, who are seeking to peacefully declare their opposition to the unrestrained spread of ISLAM [and what it promotes].


It is very difficult, today, in this digital age, and the 24/7 news cycle, and with our almost universal and ready www access to information,       ....for people, apologists for ISLAM/moslems, to keep insisting that the atrocities we see being committed in the name of ISLAM, have actually nothing to do with ISLAM.

Such claims [of 'innocence'], being made on behalf of moslems/ISLAM, are simply barefaced lies!!

what mothra said.....

what Yadda said.....

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #55 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 9:27am

Yadda, if you can't afford your medication I'm willing to chip in.

All you have to do is ask.

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Posts: 21894
A cat with a view
Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #56 - Apr 8th, 2016 at 2:27pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 8th, 2016 at 9:27am:

Yadda, if you can't afford your medication I'm willing to chip in.

All you have to do is ask.


You denigrate me because i try to expose ISLAM for what it is,

......and yet, political leftists, and political progressives like yourself, will uncritically defend moslems and moslems communities !!

And you do that, even when moslems declare themselves to be followers of ISLAM !!

And when ISLAM is a philosophy which within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws, 'religiously' sanctions hatred of non-moslems, and deceit, barefaced lying and intimidation and political violence [including murder of those whose oppose its violent agenda], in the pursuit of ISLAM's political supremacism and political tyranny !!

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

And political leftists, and political progressives like yourself, will uncritically defend the right of moslems and moslems communities [to live among us!!],        .....even when it is exposed that mainstream ISLAM is a philosophy which [within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws] teaches every moslem,

.....that a moslem who murders an enemy of Allah, is a good and virtuous person.

Watch the words coming out of their own mouths.

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"What makes Allah happy?

Allah is happy, when kafir get killed."

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Please watch this YT...
Muslims being deceptive Islam EX-Muslims
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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

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Re: How they 'do business', on the left - exposing th
Reply #57 - Apr 9th, 2016 at 10:44am
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:31pm:
ian wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:30pm:
mothra wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:28pm:
Frank wrote on Apr 7th, 2016 at 9:01pm:

Of course.

But beyond that - "Have you considered that we don't, in fact. think you speak "truth"?" - you have never once made a positive alternative proposal of what you do in fact think is truth. You don't because you know that you would open yourselves to critical appraisal and you simply do not have the mental heft to defend what you think you stand for.
The reason is that you are wholly negative, like all shrill PC monkeys. All you know is what you are against. You have no idea what you are for, let alone be able to articulate it.

So all you have is 'it's not that, it's not that either'.

You do not say what you are standing for.

No, i;'m very clear on what i stand for Frank. All people to be treated with decency, dignity and respect. Regardless of their race, religion, age, socio-economic status or political persuasion.

I'm anti-racist, anti-Islamophobia, anti-prejudice and anti-discrimination.

But pro gay bullying.

Nope. I'm pro-Gay rights. And lesbian. And transgender. And intersex.

You are only intolerant of people who are not as tolerant as you are?

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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