Aussie wrote on Mar 27
th, 2016 at 8:22pm:
Lionel Edriess wrote on Mar 27
th, 2016 at 8:13pm:
Aussie wrote on Mar 27
th, 2016 at 8:07pm:
Quote:If it wasn't a REAL threat, there's no need for such a reaction in the first place.
There you go. You've now got it in a nutshell. Real threat....real reaction in response is justified, and the Crown has the onus of proving beyond reasonable doubt that the reaction
was not justified in all the circumstances as they have been established beyond reasonable doubt.
Let's wait for all the facts to emerge.
Bloody lucky he had a witness and someone available to give him a hand, who was then released without charge.
Someone else might not have been so lucky.
Lack of a witness makes the job tougher for the Crown, as, unless there is relevant forensic evidence, the only evidence will be that of the 'accused' assuming he told the Coppers or the Court anything. He has no obligation to do either, and
all he has to fear in such a circumstance is some corrupt arsehole Copper fabricating evidence at the crime scene, as Mr Baron recommends. Can't let it go, can you? The jibe against the coppers.
The police, like any other club or group, act in the ways allowed/condoned by their bosses/superiors. The legal profession is no different.
The vast majority of citizens in this country are are decent, law-abiding people who possess a great deal of common sense and regard for one another. They are not 'sheeple', they are the future of humanity.The boundaries they set, as a collective, are for the greater good. They are pretty good at self-policing their own societies.
It's not our fault that because of the way today's society is structured that arseh0les rise to positions of power.
If you want to have a go at someone, pick on the politicians and those that influence them.
In fact, it's that very same structure, that of influenced governance, from ancient times, that has led to almost all the rebellions in the world.
Humanity, in its evolution, still has to rid itself of the limbic system. Until such times as it does, we 'civilised' people will still have to deal with the animals in our midst and amongst our leadership.
The quickest way to speed this process is to arm the populace, remove warning labels and use-by dates, and let nature take its course.
But it's not allowed.
Work that out.
In the meantime, we take our chances as we find them.