Quote:I keep posting this and never get a satisfactory reply.
So here we go again.
I dated a girl originally from Turkey who was totally atheist and identified as Muslim Persian. I liked the ideas in her head. She was into public nudity and wine...very nice girl Wink
So just imagine if she had a twin sister who had a really bad case of the Allah virus, and I found the ideas inside her brain so repugnant I could not stand to be in the same room as her.
Would that make me Islamophobic, racist?
It would make you neither.
You have a mind that allows you to decide what you like and what you dont like.
As long as you simply stay away from her, no problem, everyone is happy, she may find your ideas equally repugnant.
But Muslims dont stop there, they demand you follow their repugnant ideals or even kill you if you dont.
If this girl demands that you follow her religion, it is she who is intolerant.
If you attempt to force your will upon her then you are the one who is intolerant.
You will note I have not mentioned where she came from, her colour od anything else......because its irrelevant.
QED its not racism.
Does that answer your question?