mothra wrote on Apr 8
th, 2016 at 2:15am:
as per usual Mothra is talking a good deal of drivel and really does not understand masculine energy and feminine energy.
The dynamic , as i would read it , is this.
Waleed is a people pleasing , beta male.
This is "low status " to a woman and she will not be attracted to him sexually.
Women (especially intelligent women) and Waleeds wife seems an achiever, are only attracted to the alpha male.
This guy is very confident, a stud, takes control of his woman , dominates his woman (in a way she enjoys).
Smart women like to "let go"
They have been grinding it out all day at work and , in the new feminist world, they can detect , at a subliminal level , that they are losing touch with the "divine feminine".
A high achieving woman , likes nothing more than a super confident guy to just "dominiate" her in the bedroom.
She likes nothing less then a wimp who wont "man up"
submission is something she enjoys, at least during the first half of the sexual encounter.
By wearing the Hijab, she is communicating to Waleed, at least in the sub communication.
Take me, be a MAN, i want you to penetrate me , the way you penetrate the world.
i want to feel my girly emotions in the safety of the super confident, super dominant alpha male.
I'm sick of your do-gooder, hand wringing beta male persona.
Do me properly or i will find a stud who will.
Why do you think so many high powered women end up in an affair with some assh*le bar tender or limo driver.
because he wasnt a gawd dammed lefty beta male