polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 12
th, 2016 at 8:17pm:
freediver wrote on Apr 12
th, 2016 at 8:10pm:
cases of someone trying to kill him that even google struggles with
No, you are the one struggling FD.
google: "muhammad assassination attempt quraysh"
tell me what is the very first hit FD.
Pretty tricky this google thing eh?
Even trickier is when the reader assumes they are reading facts when in fact they are just reading a story that has absolutely no basis in fact. Its only basis is one book written by someone. NO external facts at all on REAL historical events. Just muslims screaming its all true.
Whether it be mohammed poking a blind man in the eye before he went to medina or he did 5 handstands, raped a mule and bashed an old lady before he went.
The only books telling this tale aren't historical books they are just muslim story books not based on any facts at all as there are NO HISTORICAL FACTS.
So long as the reader realizes they are just discussing fiction sure we can nit pic the texts of the story book but NOT REAL history. We can google our asses off till the muslim god HUBAL shines bright.
The assassination attempt sounds riveting, did it happen in reality probably not as there is not one shred of evidence to indicate it did.
Cool story to argue over tho.