bogarde73 wrote on Apr 18
th, 2016 at 7:59am:
Now what really counts here?
I think the people will look at Shorten and his questionable past, together with his shambling team of union surrogates Vs Turnbull, a self made success story and his team of can do professionals like Morrison, the Boat Stopper.
what amuses me is how the rusted on fall over about Polls.. after what they did to the labor party during the krudd/gillard/krudd years you would think they would give them a wide berth... instead here they are chortle chortle....shows how easy they are to buy... doesnt it?
I mean who knows if there is such a thing as a poll
it is probably like those dear dorothy dix columns ....all in someones imagination...
I noticed they have an Animal Psychic one of the magazines.....
thats right he talks to dead animals and tell their devoted ex owner how happy they are in that animal shelter in the sky...
it must be all lefties that send in pics and wait for answers...
they believe anything.
as long as its in their favour of course.