John Smith wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 10:04pm:
Ashley wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:58pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:48pm:
Ashley wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:44pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:35pm:
Ajax wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:34pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:32pm:
Ajax wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 9:29pm:
I go for ME, not for the priest, my soul I guess.
But you've just said that the church is man made and not a true representative of god .... then why do you follow the church? you can still believe in god without following something that you feel is false!
Jesus commanded the church, I go there for myself and for God.
I don't care for the politics.
what church did jesus command?
The bible refers to it as the Holy Catholic Church later on and also The Way not the Roman catholic Church. IE. Roman Popeville.
there is no evidence of the catholic church for at least 100 years after Jesus died, whilst the first scriptures were written about 80 years after the death of Jesus.... you ever played Chinese whispers?
So, Have you ?
yes, I have actually
and on every occasion that I've played the game, the message at the end was very different to the message at the beginning. For example, I remember we once played with about 20 people, and a message which started out as 'the bird is blue' ended up as 'the girl did a poo' 2 minutes later ... imagine what happens to a message that goes through hundreds or thousands off people, mostly illiterate, and 80 years.
The key to the entry of a Text into the Cannon(s) of scripture were how they were verified. Things like multiple sources verifying the same event, and historical things like coins and places mentioned etc etc. The underlying current of teaching etc.
There is a whole bunch of Criteria that is looked at before a book or document can be accepted into the cannon of scripture. That's where the Roman Catholics stuffed up.
They wanted to keep control by keeping the priesthood when Jesus clearly said He was the last High Priest and that ended. Hence the mary worship , saints, praying in mosques and the ecumenical abomination that the Pope is promoting now between religions.
Have a google it is amazing how the translations still relay the same underlying Gospel message today. I knew a great theologian and encouraged people to read different translations each year to enjoy the message.
When it comes down to real study when you are discussing words you do need to know how to dig a little to get the right context and meanings of words but its not hard.